hallelujah my ass

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The Hogwarts Express was absolutely stunning.

          The vibrant red paint shone bright in the morning sun, and the windows were packed with faces of students trying to get a last glimpse of their family before send off. The platform was packed full of people and trolleys, but different to the platform they had Eleanor had just left, these people were adorned in robes and and carrying magical items for school. Eleanor had yet to close her mouth from shock as she gazed at the new sights in front of her. The atmosphere practically smelled of magic.

"Whoa," Her mother remarked. "Now that is a train."

"Damn straight," Eleanor agreed, still trying to look at everything and everyone around her. She suddenly blinked and and squinted her eyes. "What in the hell?"

"What?" Sarah craned her neck to see what was captivating her daughters attention. Eleanor searched for another moment before rubbing her eyes. There was no way.

"Nothing. I just could have sworn I saw a deer over there ," Sarah eyed her oddly.

"A deer," she deadpanned. Eleanor nodded once. "In a train station." Eleanor nodded more fervently this time.

"Yes! A deer. With the antlers and everything. It was probably a trick of the light or something." Sarah gave her one last look and shrugged. Eleanor grunted in exasperation. "C'mon I have like 15 to get on." They weaved through the crowd towards the train. "Stupid fucking deer. I hate deer. What animal has tree branches on it's head?" She muttered under her breath so her mother wouldn't hear. They finally got close enough to Eleanors liking and paused to unload her things. The amount of people around them was slow diminishing as parents finished their goodbyes and left their children on the platform to board the train.

"All right, I think this is it." Eleanor adjusted the strap of her bag to rest more comfortably on her shoulder. The two women fell quiet, neither of them wanting to start the inevitable goodbyes. Ice cold anxiety lodged in Eleanors throat, and her hands became clammy. What was she doing? This was a mistake, there was so way that going to a brand new school as a fifth year was a good idea. It was too soon. Sarah sensed her worry and gently tugged her into a hug. Eleanor clung to her mother tightly. She always gave the best hugs. Her arms felt safe and warm, and Eleanor wished she could remain in that spot forever.

  "I love you so, so much." Sarah whispered. "And as much as I am going to miss you, going away is just what you need right now." Eleanor sniffed and blinked back tears.

"But what about you?" She said into her mothers neck. "You're gonna be all alone." Sarah gently pulled back, and tilted Eleanors chin up to meet her eyes with a smile.

"It's been about me for too long. It's time to focus on you, Ellie. I need you to be happy." Sarahs smile faltered a bit. "They would want you to be happy." At those words, Eleanor was sure she would cry right there in front of everyone. Neither of the women had had the strength to talk about the people who were no longer with them. The fact that her mother had even brought them up assured Eleanor that Sarah would truly be okay by herself, and that she did want Eleanor to go. Eleanor inhaled sharply and blinked quickly.

"Shit, my mascara," She whined, and Sarah burst out laughing.

"My god, you are so bipolar." Eleanor grinned weakly.

"Well, I have the medication to prove it," The train whistle blew once, to signal that it was almost time to leave. "Ok, no more being emotional I gotta go." Eleanor grabbed her mother in one last hug. "I love you."

"Love you more, my sweet girl." Eleanor took hold of her trunk and made her way onto the train. "Have so much fun!" Her mother called after her. "Write when you can, I want to hear all about the British stuff!" Eleanor snickered and looked over her shoulder with a grin.

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