note to self: don't do it you dumb f-

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The castle was stunning.

The tall structure came into view as the students carriages emerged from the trees surrounding the grounds. The other girls chuckled when Eleanors jaw popped open upon seeing the magnificent school she would call home for the next few years.

"I can't tell if I'm gonna cry, or shit myself," She said not taking her eyes off the castle.

"Getting a bit of de ja vu to our first day," Marlene said, smiling at Lily. "Lils here was in tears before we got to the doors." Lily rolled her eyes and dodged an elbow from Mary.

"Will you ever drop that?" She pleaded. "I was eleven for Godricks sake."

"At least you didn't faint when you saw a ghost like Potter," Mary offered in Lily's defense. A rather sinister grin formed on Lily's face, and Marlene let out a laugh.

"Now that, I will never let go of."

"Potter? Who's that?" Eleanor asked, very intrigued who could have mad such a negative impression on Lily. The said redhead clenched her jaw at Eleanors question.

"A right prick, thats who," She muttered. Mary snickered in amusement.

"He's in our year too. Also in Gryffindor." She amended for Eleanors sake.

"I'm guessing he's not a friend of yours?" Eleanor ventured.

"He's an alright bloke. We were both on the quidditch team last year." Marlene said while chewing on a fingernail. "But when he's with his little posse he can be a bloody menace."

"Not to mention he's kind of obsessed with Lily." Eleanor raised her eyebrows.


"Since first year. He couldn't take his eyes off her during the feast, and the next day at breakfast, he got up on the table and declared his love for her." Marlene laughed at Lily's sour face as Mary recounted the memory. "And he's done the same thing every year on the first day back. Something to look forward to tomorrow."

"I don't know, he sounds kind of sweet, Lily." Eleanor regretted her words instantly when Lily shot her a glare.

"Sweet? He's an immature nuisance who can't take a hint." Eleanor held her hands up in mock surrender, and Lily continued pouting in silence. This Potter guy intrigued her. Anyone who would get on a table to profess their love at eleven years old was someone Eleanor wanted to meet.

The carriage came to a gentle halt, as they had finally reached their destination. They gathered their belongings and made their way off the carriage, and set off towards the gates. Eleanors chest tightened, and her hands became clammy. Her tempting thoughts of turning around and getting back on the train must have shown on her face, because Lily silently stepped closer and linked her arm through Eleanors. Eleanor could have kissed her then and there.

"What kind of food do the have at this feast?" She focused on keeping her voice steady and her feet moving on the ground. Marlene moaned and leaned her head back.

"Oh my god you are not prepared for the spiritual awakening that is a Hogwarts feast."

"You know the food is good when it turns someone on," Mary commented dryly

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