todays episode: crippling self doubt

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True to her word, Mary led Eleanor to the grand library where they spent the remaining half of an hour before class roaming the wall to ceiling shelves of books. Eleanor allowed herself to select only two books to bring with her, otherwise she would be carrying at least ten in her bag the rest of the day. The two she had decided on were about the history of Hogwarts grounds surrounding the castle, and the other was a vampire romance novel that came highly recommended by Mary.

Satisfied by her picks, the pair began the walk to charms. There was a steady stream of students weaving in and out of doors and corridors, Professor McGonagall stood tall in the midst of the mess directing anyone who was clearing going in the wrong direction. Her gaze fell upon Eleanor and Mary.

"Make sure she makes it to all her classes in one piece if you would, Miss Macdonald," With that she turned away to shout at a first year student with their nose buried in what seemed to be a large map of the castle. "Mr. Dahl you will never find the dungeons if you do not look up to use your eyes!"

"This way, gotta catch the right stairs or it's the long way around." Mary tugged Eleanor to the right by the sleeve of her robes. They pushed their way through the other students and practically leapt onto the staircase before it began to shift.

"Lordy," Eleanor heaved and leaned against the stone handrail. Mary didn't seem to be winded in the slightest. "Try and look a little tired for my sake." Mary snorted a laugh at her friend's dramatic antics.

"Don't worry, it's kinda fun when you memorize the schedule and times." Eleanor hardly noticed the other people on the stairs with them. Two boys and a girl stood across from them. The boy who had spoken was wearing Ravenclaw colors and hair so black it was almost blue. The other two seemed to be Hufflepuffs. The girl had olive skin and deep brown eyes. The other boy was quite tall, and Eleanor wondered if he got caught in a strong breeze he might blow away. He peered at her through shaggy blonde hair with a slight smile as if he knew something she didn't.

The Ravenclaw boy smiled at her in amusement, but not maliciously. He seemed to be genuinely trying to cheer her up. "I'd heard there was a transfer. Didn't get a good look at you at dinner yesterday."

"Lucky you. You get to see me in my prime condition," Eleanor gestured to herself, still catching her breath and leaning on her elbow. He chuckled lightly. "I'm Eleanor, by the way," she said to the three of them when she could stand up properly to address them.

"Oh, right. I'm Charlie," said the boy after a beat of silence.

"This is Isa," The girl smiled and waved, revealing a small space between her front teeth.

"Alex," the last boy greeted her. He had a very smooth voice. "Did you happen to run into Nick Spring yesterday?" Eleanor glanced at Mary who had made a sour face.

"Look, I don't care if he's your friend or something, he bumped me first so whatever he's told you,-" Alex shook his head and laughed suddenly, slightly confusing Elenor. She was fully prepared to defend herself, but he didn't seem to be upset with her.

"We are not friends, trust me. I wanted to thank you for putting him in his fucking place," Alex told her and Mary. "He was in a foul mood all night. Barely said a word to anyone."

"It was glorious," Isa added. Just then, the stairs made contact with another floor, allowing the group to step off. "Where are you guys off to?"

"Charms," Mary answered.

"Us too, mind if we walk with you?" Mary shook her head, her bouncy short hair hiding her eyes momentarily.

"Not at all. What about you Charlie?" Charlie grimaced and spoke over his shoulder as he split from the group.

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