Chapter 1

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Forests were always the worst to film in. The outdoors were noisy, there were bugs, the weather could always be an issue, and it rarely produced footage that they didn't have to doctor the shit out of in order to produce a creepy video.

"Not gonna lie, guys, I feel like we could've shot most of this in literally any forest," Dean said, repositioning the hiking bag on his back so that their equipment would stop digging into him.

"Yeah, but you know that some local or someone who's been here a million times, would notice and pitch a fit in the comments," Chris replied, glancing over his shoulder at Dean. "Besides, we're in fucking Romania and we aren't getting rained on like we did at our last outdoor overnight. How are you not enjoying this trip?"

"I am. Like, don't get me wrong, Bro, it's been dope... I'm just not big on the hiking part."

"I get that," Chris chuckled, pausing a minute to run a hand through his long, bleached bangs—always camera ready. "Hoia Baciu is a dispersed camping area, right? We can throw our tent down wherever?"

"Yeah," Arlo offered from up ahead. "Should we camp in the dead circle?"

"I know he did not just say that," Dean said, shaking his head, to Chris's amusement.

"Maybe not that far from the car," Chris said as Arlo also came to a stop, turning to look at them. "I don't really wanna carry our stuff that far."

"Same," Dean nodded.

Arlo sighed, nodding as he looked around—hazel eyes scanning the seemingly endless sea of dark tree trunks surrounding either side of the trail. "True... So we find the circle; film some stuff there, since it's kinda the big unique thing here, come back, get the tents set up, eat something, then film the rest right around camp once it's dark?"

"Sounds good to me, man," Dean said, again shifting his backpack.

"Sounds good to me, man," Dean said, again shifting his backpack

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"What's up guys, I'm Chris."

"And I'm Arlo. Welcome back to our channel, and if this is your first time watching one of our videos, we're so happy to have you here."

"Yeah, and if you like this video, don't forget to hit that like button," Chris added with a well-practiced fluidity.

"And subscribe! It really helps us out," Arlo said, leaning back into frame.

"So, guys, today we have a really cool investigation for you. We're currently standing in what is widely considered to be one of the most haunted forests in the world. That's right, we came all the way to what's known as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania, to explore the legendary Hoi Baciua Forest."

"It's Hoia Baciu," Arlo said, drawing Chris's attention.

Dean stopped recording.

"What did I say?" Chris wondered aloud while flicking his bangs out of his eyes.

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