Jason nodded. "Yup, Dick is with Kor'i and they have my angel of a niece: Mar'i. Replacement got this gal named Luna, she's great for the kid. Damian got this chick, Marinette, the angel to his demon, we all ship it. And I have my two kids, Kendra and Seth. Adopted then both."

"You adopted?" Bruce's expression mimicked that of a gaping fish.


Kor'i watched as Lily put her phone back in pocket. Lily had a worried expression.

"What is the matter Lily?"

Lily smiled at her future daughter-in-law. "Bruce is back. Alfred has just informed me."

Kor'i cocked her head to the side confused. "That is a good thing, is it not?"

Lily shrugged non-committedly. "I'm just worried he'll assume I brain washed his kids."

"Surely you jest, I am sure he will not think this."

Lily gave Kor'i a 'are you Serious?' look. "Bruce will think at best I'm replacing him at worse he'll think, I've brain washed them."

Kor'i smiled uncertainly.

Lily and Kor'i are out having some girl time, when Alfred calls. Telling them Bruce is back

They pick o the four trouble makers from school.


Lily, kor'i, Damian, Marinette, Kendra, Seth, chloe, and Adrian all busled into the entrance hall. They're voices bouncing off the walls and ceiling.

Dick came down the stairs, Mar'i in his arms, Jason and Bruce following behind.

Kor'i held out her arms for her baby, at which Dick handed her over. Mar'i letting out and happy burble. 

Lily laughed at the slight relief in dicks face at seeing his love back. (I've baby sat kids at that age you about cry in relief when you see the you have help after a long morning.) She gave another look around the room, turning to Jason she asked, "Where Dragon and Luna?"

He shrugged. He couldn't lie to Lily, but replacement had asked NICELY to not tell til he told her. "He'll tell you tonight." He settled on. Not a lie, but he didn't rat out replacement.

Lily nodded. Not really satisfied, but wasn't going to ask. She knew with Bruce back there was going to be enough suspicion that she didn't need to add to.

Bruce watched everyone talking and laughing at the bottom of the stairs. He was slightly overwhelmed. Alfred came up just behind him and spoke softly. "Just because you stare at them down does not mean they will go away sir." Bruce nodded and walked forward after taking a deep breath.

Lily caught his eye first, but turned away fast to go and 'talk' with Marinette and Adrien. A light blush on her checks. 'online pictures and comics did not properly prepare me for how HOT he is! Why!! Why are all hot guys assholes!!!'

Kor'i was the next to see him, and promptly squealed. Hovering in her excitement, "Mr Wayne! It is glorious to meet you. When, you know, we are not trying to stop the world from being distroyed or taken over!" Bruce blinked.

"It's good to meet you as well Starfire."

She gave him a brilliant smile. "Call me Kor'i! We shall be, as you call it, father and daughter of in the law."

Bruce blanched. "What?" He asked rather smartly.

Dick sighed. "Bruce, Kor'i and I'm getting married. We were waiting for you to get back."

Bruce nodded dumbly. Jason patted him on the shoulder. Wondering idly if he should've warned Bruce about the engagement. He mentality shrugged.  He was sure it will be fine, if not, it will be fun to watch him crash and burn.

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