I held our picture to my chest and cuddled up in tears. All I could feel was my universe crumbling before me. I wanted to be patient. To give love a chance over again.

A Month Later. I got a call from doctor Kenny, and he asked me to pay him a visit. It was something important. I rushed to the hospital with hope in my heart. For the last two years, I have been on medication. Something positive came up in my prayers.

As I got to his office, he offered me a seat and opened his drawer. I did as he requested, noticing the smile on his face. He brought out a white envelope and fixed his reading glasses.

"Mrs. Adeline Smith." He started with a clear voice.

"Yes, doctor." I replied.

"There are many times we doctor try our best, but God almighty friend out efforts, a success. As a doctor, I only care and God cures. Your case is very rare, based on the last test we carried out. We discovered that you're 8-weeks pregnant."

"W... What? I didn't get you Doctor Kenny. Please come again." I stuttered.

"In the test we carried out yesterday. We discovered that you're 8-weeks pregnant." The doctor announced.

"What? I'm pregnant?" Tears filled the space of my eyes as my heart limped out for joy.

"Congratulations ma'am." He gave me a handshake before handing me the envelope. It was my test results in it.

I felt different, speechless. I just cried in gratitude. Although it took long, I never believed that I would become a mother.

From the hospital, I dropped at Elvira's apartment and showed her the good news.

"OMG! You're pregnant?" she asked. I saw the tears of joy in her eyes.

"I still can't believe I'm with child, Elvie! The doctor confirmed it. I'm so excited right now, I just give gratitude to God."

"We should celebrate, bestie! It is when the world thinks an end has come that God would start his wonders! It troubled human beings for not knowing God's time, but patience pays." She explained.

"Yes, my dear. I almost gave up." I confessed, shedding happy tears.

"But you didn't. You have a strong heart, Ally! I admire you so much! Never give up! OMG! This calls for celebration! I need to get us champagne and wine. It's worth everything!" Elvira stood up to her bar parlour and something clicked in her mind. She turned back to me with curiosity and my eyes met hers.

"What's it, Elvie?" I asked.



"How many weeks old?" Her eyes squinted at the question.

"8 weeks." I replied with relief. "Hope no problem?"

"8 weeks?" She muttered and counted her fingers with a serious face. "Wow, that means you've been pregnant before leaving your husband's place."

"Elvira! Why are you going to the past? You should be happy that at least I'm going to have a child too. That I won't be a barren for the rest of my life. After drinking, let's pay Damon and his mum a surprise visit. I can't wait to see the amazement on their faces when they finally get to know. Please, get me a drink. I'm thirsty!"

"Yes, whatever happens, I'm just happy that my friend is finally pregnant!" She flipped her black hair with excitement. "Just give me a sec! I'd be right back."

"Thank you bestie! Well said." I muttered to her and held my stomach. I couldn't feel the baby yet, but I felt a ball of excitement in me. Like a new person, I felt honoured. "Thank you God, for not disappointing me."

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