Y/n: You good?

Kitten: No my date just ditched me.

Y/n: Ugh boys.

Kitten: Say it sister!

Y/n: Boys are so overrated anyways.

Kitten: Yea. My boyfriend broke up with me over text. What a loser...

Y/n: My boyfriend was actually a robot who turned obsessed with me and tried to kill me. He was created by a mad man who is trying to kill me and my whole team.

Kitten: Wow you take the cake!

Y/n: Thank you thank you. After that though, I don't trust boys anymore. Weird creatures.

We went on for a long time on his boys were weird and even exchanged numbers. Besides the screeching and the screaming, she was alright. I was having a lot of fun when Robin was thrown into a table by me and kitten.


Kitten: You know him? He's my date...

Y/n: Not by choice ew-

Fang: Don't touch my girl!

Oh gosh please say it's not true.


What the fuck... robin started to charge at fang. Was I supposed to fight kitten? Me and her were just becoming friends and everything... oh well?

Kitten: Are we going to have to fight?

Y/n: Guess so....

We start fighting each other and I'm going to be honest. For a girl wearing a sparkly pink dress, she can kick some ass. We stopped mid fight to complement each other.

Kitten: You know you are really good at fighting!

Y/n: Aww thanks love. You are so pretty at this angle.

Kitten: And you aren't? You look fab

Y/n: Aw you are just too mu-

Fang/Robin: Y/N!/KITTEN!

Y/n/Kitten: Boys...

Time skip.

The fight was finished. We won again. Well not fully...



Robin: She won't be awake at that time.

Y/n: Pardon you?

Robin; I'm the leader and I built this tower so you will do as I say. You are to go to bed by 9:45

Y/n: Whatever... Cyborg built it not you.. you couldn't build a puzzle even if the world depended on it..

I whisper the last part but not quite enough cause he heard me. He then started chasing me around the perimeter. Then a pair of strong arms whisked me away and robin fell into a table braking it. He was pissed. I was happy. Then I became confused... who just picked me up like I was a feather. I am not a the rocket but I am the scientist . I think that's what earthy people say. I looked up and saw jay... I was confused. He was the type of guy who was thin but had a muscular build under his clothes. I so wanna see that though. Whatever. I was flustered in both shock and embarrassment. Our faces were so close...

Jay: Hey

Y/n: Hi...

Jay: I believe we got interrupted?

He looked over at robin who was soaked and trying to get up. He had an annoyed expression?

Y/n: Yes yes we did...

Woah... we were just staring at each other... I ditn know why but prim queen and king got called and it was me and jay... weird. I don't even go to this school. Whatever.

Jay: May I?

Y/n: Yes...

Jay: You ok?

Y/n: Yes...

He laughs a little bit and smirked.

Y/n: Yes..

We started dancing like nobody was watching... but someone was. Robin was. He was pissed. After everything we had been through I just start dancing with some other dude. That was all that was going through his head at the moment. I didn't know and even if I did I would care. I know that it's a mean thing to say but ever since... 'the incident''. I have been so sick of everything and I really needed something to someone to grope onto. Not in a sexual way. In a love sick way. Then jay came. And damn am I love sick for him...

Word count: 1186

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