What a man

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Third POV:

Beast Boy: You know, Cinderblock, normally, the bad guys break out of jail.

Robin: And I can think of five good reasons why you don't want to break in.

Robin leaps across the floor and lands in a crouch.

Robin: One!

Starfire swoops and lands, looking sidelong at the camera from over her shoulder

Robin: Two!

Beast Boy, as a tiger, lunges in. When he comes down, he has taken human form except for his head and one arm; he quickly restores these as well

Robin: Three!

Raven drops in and gets ready to cast a spell.

Robin: Four!

Cyborg jumps in.

Robin: Five!

You fly in using your wind manipulation, landing on the floor gracefully

Robin: oh and six or whatever...

Everyone is standing there ready... except from you and robin

Y/n : Ok now was that necessary?

Robin: I mean yes you aren't really a threat so..


Robin: Even if you tried you wouldn't be able to because YOU. AREN'T .SCARY

Your eyes start to glow (e/c)


Beast boy: *coughs* Ahem but if you haven't noticed WE ARE TRYING TO FIGHT CINDERBLOCK RIGHT NOW.

Y/n and robin:  Sorry...  'They both turn around to look at each other' stop copying me ... STOP IT ..  NO YOU STOP

Starfire: ENOUGH!

Robin: ...Titans! Go!

Beast Boy becomes a falcon to fly behind Raven and Starfire.

Cinderblock continuing his rush. The Titans do likewise. Silhouettes of the two sides charge Robin lands a solid kick that staggers the foe. He turns around just in time to catch a double dose of starbolts in the back, courtesy of Starfire. Now Cyborg aims a right hook; even though Cinderblock stops it, he is still driven back by the impact.

Beast Boy dives in and rakes his talons across the concrete body time after time, forcing Cinderblock to run to another corner. Raven puts herself in his path and levitates a section of the floor, tilting it up until it stands vertical. She rises out of the way an instant before he crashes through this improvised barrier, then flies away as Robin, Cyborg, and Starfire rush him.

Your POV:

I take a deep breath in and then realise it as my (H/C) hair flowed up. With every sway of my arm the wind pushes cinderblock, me moving with him. On the last swing i get a little to mad and it turns into fire instead of air. "Well that's going to leave a scar" I thought to myself .

One giant backhand leaves only Starfire still in motion; the other two have been knocked away. She throws a couple of starbolts, but is then grabbed in those two enormous hands and pulled in with a little gasp for a face-to-face look at Cinderblock. A smile comes over her face.

Love me hate me (Teen Titans Robin x reader )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें