Im going to love you so!...

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My eyes started to open. Someone was standing over me but I couldn't quite make out who it was. My mind is running with every possible thought.

Aqualad: Y/n? Y/n? Oh good you are awake. Sorry I knocked you out but I wanted you to come to my house and it's under water in a cave so you know I didn't want you to have to go in the bubble.

Y:n: Oh yea that's fine but next time give me a warning please.

I chuckled while smiling but it slowly faded. I realised I was strapped to a chair?...

Y/n: Hey babe what's going on...

Aqualad: So you have noticed. You know I love you but I have to do this!

Y/n: Love your scaring me...

Aqualad: what do you mean I'm being myself!

I saw a shiny object hiding behind his back. My eyes widened it realisation. It was a knife.

Y/n: wait why aren't my powers working there should be ghosts scaring the crap out of you right now.

Aqualad: You see that collar on your neck, Well it disables them.

Y/n: Why are you doing this PLEASE LET ME GO. PLEASE LET ME GO..

At this point I was In full tears I didn't know what to do I tried to reach my communicator but I knew only one person would be up.

Aqualad: Y/n I will never let you leave me I promise I'm not lying.

Y/n: I wish you were...

Aqualad:Go ahead ask anybody who has seen me trying.

He held the knife near my neck. Grazing it in the process of pulling it away. A small was all that was left but if I don't leave then there will be bigger ones all over my body.

Aqualad: I'm not going, if it seems like I did. I'm probably waiting outside

Y/n: Please just let me go... I know you don't mean this.

Aqualad: Such a stubborn man you'll likely never meet another

Y/n: Well I can think of one... Robin

The only thing I could now think of is how much of a dick I was to him. I mean his real name is dick but you know what I'm saying..

Aqualad: When we have our family dinner you can ask my mother. She's the best, you'll learn more about her on our family history test

Y/n: If you don't kill me by then YOU FUCKING PHSYCO!

Aqualad: I'm gonna do this right. Show you I'm not moving

Y/n: if you wanted to prove your love to me you would let me go... please?...

Aqualad: Wherever you go, I won't be far to follow

Y/n: Please stop you are scaring me...

Aqualad: Oh, I'm gonna love you so. You'll learn what I already know.I love you means you're never, ever, ever getting rid of me

Y/n: This isn't what love is, this is crazy talk...

I just reached my communicator and someone picked up. I whispered but I made sure it was loud enough for them to hear.

Y/n: I don't know who you are but I know I called someone please help me I don't know what's going on with Aqualad but he has me trapped in him cave pl-

Aqualad quickly snatched it out of my hand I guess I was a bit to loud?

Aqualad: If you ever want to see my precious little y/n ever again then you will get your team in within 10 minutes and go to your main room. There is a video from me and my boss on it. It has every piece of  information that you would need to save her.

Then just like that he broke it into a million pieces. My mouth hung open while all the pieces hit the floor.

Aqualad: You can try, oh, but I love you means you're never, ever, ever getting rid of me
Slade: Ready for your shot?


Slade: I will answer all your questions once your friends have gotten my little message and with that... Night night.

And one again I was out like a light.

Word count:  707

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