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Back at the tower

Raven: Ok I'm going to summon Jinx then you can explain everything .

Y/n: Guys it's not even that special

Starfire: I know that but I am the Intrigued

Y/n: Yea yea whatever just get jinx here

*Raven summons Jinx*


Raven: Sure sure whatever but Y/n kinda needs a little help with something so I guess a sleepover is in order


Starfire: WOOP WHOOP

Jinx: Ok who's room are we sleeping in?


*A time skip *

Everyone has got there sleeping bags on the floor.

Y/n: Ok ok I think we should watch a movie

Jinx: In here or in the living room?'

Raven: I think we should do it in here but someone needs to get to go out and get the snacks

Y/n: I will do it brb

* back in the kitchen*

Y:n What does jinx like?...

Robin: How about these?

Y/n: AHH

A shadow appears and goes through robin

Robin: Oh man I will never get used to that..

Y/n: Yea sorry about that.. heh

It was so awakened between us and I don't know why. Normally by now we would be about to rip each others heads off but something was different. I just didn't know what.

Robin: Uhm... soo jinx is here huh?

Y/n: Uhm yea I'm just getting food for us to watch a movie.

Robin: Yea...

And there we go again. Staring into each others eyes like there was no tomorrow. Every single time I get lost in his eyes. It's so magical and I don't know why. I'm so confused I don't want to ever stop looking into his eyes. Wait DO I LIKE ROBIN. My scream could be heard from miles away I grabbed my food and bolted out the room. I knew robin was going to be confused but this was a state of life or death. I ran as fast as I could to my room only to slam the door shut as I got in breathing heavily.

Y/n: We... need... too... talk..

Jinx: ok but catch your breath first girl then explain?

Starfire: What is going on cousin Y/n

Y/n: I think I like robin...

Raven: There is no way?

Y/n: Well I think there is a way because I do

Jinx: OOOOO looks like someone has a crush!

Y/n: What's a crush

Starfire: I believe it is when two people have feelings for each other romantically?

Y/n: Ew no of course not, I mean as a friend like how I like all of you?

Raven: Well then why did you rush into your room screaming?

Jinx: Well can you explain this feeling to us?

Y/n: We there is a lot I can say about him like he's annoying and rude and he chews with his mouth open sometimes which drives me crazy and that strand of hair that's always our place like come on dude just fix your hair. Like his hair is always spiky because of that cheap hair gel he uses like I could buy him some actual hair gel if he asked. Oh and the times when he brushes his teeth and it's so annoying. He has to wake up at a specific time and all he does all day is train and he always stinks when he comes to eat before showering.

Starfire: Uhm do you think you might be the littlest bit obsessed with friend Robin?

Y/n: of course not I just.. Uhm I just have a keen eye?

Jinx: Mhm and I'm good luck

Raven: Is that all?

Y/n: Well no I... It's just... whenever I'm with him it's like time just stops and I stare into his eyes like tomorrow doesn't exist. Whenever he walks into the room everyone else just doesn't matter no one does when he's around me you know? Whenever he smiles it's like time stops and I don't know what to do. Every time I think of him he makes me a blushing mess it's ridiculous. I don't know if I'm sick or dying sometimes because every time our eyes lock my heart always starts racing and it feels like I'm about to throw up but I don't mind it. Like there are little Blortborgs in my stomach. I don't know what to do around him anymore. I tried to ignore it and fight with him but it just gets worse and worse. Do I have to kill him?

The other three girls just sat there in shock unable to process what was just happening.

Starfire: Please don't kill friend Robin.

Jinx: Uhm just a little question. How long have you know Robin for?

Y/n: Well I knew him as a child we hated each other ever since.

Raven: Yea and Uhm how long have you been feeling this "way"

Y/n: Uhm well for the past year it kinda grew stronger I guess?

Jinx: Uhm I think you might be in-loved?

Y/n: Haha funny joke

Starfire: Well there is one way to figure it out. In training tomorrow we suggest to have a 1v1 with every one and me and Raven May go together while you and Robin go together.

Y/n: That's so going to end up a disaster but ok?

Jinx: You guys HAVE to keep my updated PLEASE

Raven: Yea yea whatever it's 2:53 am if we do g go to bed soon then we won't have enough energy to even speak.

Everyone: NIGHT

Word count: 952

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