
I feel a tug on the back of my coat.

of fucking course.

Putting on my best 'you-don't-fucking-want-to-talk-to-me-right-now-unless-you-want-to-die' face, i turn around to find the source of sound. I frown when i'm met with air, and look up and down-


it's a fucking child.

what the fuck.

The little boy looked no older than four years old, with wisps of red hair and freckles dotted all around his nose.

"Oh, um,"

Bending down, I try not to wince as I feel my skirt beginning to blow upwards, and I quickly tuck it in behind along with my coat to avoid it touching the ground.

"Hey buddy, where's your mommy and daddy?"

saying mommy and daddy should not make me cringe.

fuck this i'm cringing.

The little boy seemed to be clueless, as he continued staring into my eyes, making me feel self conscious.

since the fuck when was I intimidated by toddlers.

since now, you bitch.

"Hey, buddy? You okay?"

His bottom lip wobbles.


"Buddy, did you lose your mommy and daddy?"

I need holy water.

The little boy nods, and lip begins to tremble even more.

fuck don't cry

"Here, I'll help you find your daddy, okay?"

"B-but I-i don't w-want m-my d-daddy"

oooh, daddy issues.

bitch you're talking to a fucking child

"Oh, then do you want me to find your mommy?"

"Y-yes p-pwease"

jesus christ

"Oh- okay, um"

I stand up, cautiously looking around and my gaze wanders back to the child in front of me.

I have to bend down every time I need to hear him, and I curse my height for that.

that's a lie

you love your height

I look back at me to see that he's following me, but getting caught up in the mass of legs walking on the sidewalk.

I quickly walk back so I don't lose sight of him.

shit, i didn't even ask him what his name was.

The little boy stands still, seemingly lost and I crouch down again to meet his eye level.

"Hey bud, hop on my back?"

I feel a soft thud on my back as he jumps on, and I'm surprised at how he knows to tuck his little arms around my neck so he doesn't fall off.

I smile at his chubby face resting against my shoulder, and I'm suddenly reminded of why I don't want kids.

right, my 'parental' figures.

I shake my head of those thoughts and bounce the kid on my back a few times, making him giggle into my ear.

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