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If Valentine's day was brutal, then prom season is the equivalent of being surrounded by a hungry pack of lions. Not only is prom swiftly approaching, but so are college acceptances. After all this time I have yet to confess to Luna about applying to Berkely. I'm not certain why I never told her. I suppose the fear of her rejecting me would be too much to handle. What if it scares her off? What if I opened myself up for nothing? I know I need to tell her, but I've been avoiding the inevitable for a while now. Luna Delgato brings out the best and the worst in me. She brings out the side of me that I've been trying to bury. I always hated that side of me. I hate the vulnerability and the constant fear every time I'm with her. But, I also love the adrenaline and the pure happiness I get every time I see her. She's my downfall and my triumph.

I stare at my bland ceiling as I strategize the best way to ask Luna to prom. The last time I asked her to a dance I did it publicly and ended up getting beat down by Cynthia Piersen. It wasn't my best moment. I need to think of something that won't get me into any trouble, but something that's special to Luna.

"You look pretty deep in thought." My dad states from my doorway.

"I'm trying to think of how to ask Luna to prom," I mumble before rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hands. "Relationships are hard."

My dad chuckles and joins me on the edge of my bed with his hands on his knees. Oh great, more life advice.

"I remember when I asked your mom to marry me." He fondly smiles. "I spelled it out in the snow because I was too nervous to ask her." He chuckles.

I sit up straight and pat him on the back.

"Thanks for the idea, dad." I grin. "I'll be using that."

It's the best way for me to ask. This isn't like the Homecoming dance where we weren't technically together. There wasn't any pressure to make things perfect or special. This is all real and it's terrifying voicing my thoughts aloud. This is our final moment, our final dance. Our final treasured memory of high school. I hate how sentimental she's made me. I gather my phone and Bluetooth speaker before I exit my front door and cross the street to Luna's front yard. Their front lawn is wrapped in a blanket of snow and I get to work writing out the words Will you go to prom with me, Snow? I scroll through my endless playlist until I reach Luna's all-time favorite cliché song – Dreams by The Cranberries. I set the speaker and my phone on the porch before returning to my promposal. I gather a handful of snow and make the perfect snowball before pitching it directly against her window. It collides with a large splat. She runs to her window and slides it open, peering her head out.

"Hudson?" She confusedly questions until her eyes turn to the large, and sloppy, words embedded into the snow. The song finally flitters into her ears, and she grins wide.

I extend my arms out and breath out, a cloud of smoke forms in front of my face before drifting with the wind.

"What do you say, Snow?" I call out. "Prom?"

She moves away from the window, and I drop my hands as she doesn't reappear. I stare at her window of morbid curiosity. I'm desperately seeking an answer. Her front door opens and she tugs her scarf tighter around her neck as she steadily approaches me. She gazes at the writing once more before her dazzling eyes meet mine.

"When did you get so cheesy?" She jokes.

I try not to let her comment get to me, but from the heat in my cheeks, I can tell a hint of red is spreading rapidly.

"I would love to go to prom with you." She giggles. "Please don't steal anything this time."

I snort and shrug my shoulders with the cheesiest of grins.

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