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I have always prided myself in having an impenetrable gift of control. I have never been one to easily lose myself, having mastered the art of keeping my emotions safely locked away with no opportunity to escape. However, my control flies out the window the second I am in the presence of Hudson Wilder. It's as if he is an overloaded neutron to my scarce proton – together we cause an unstable balance in nature.

Lunch couldn't come sooner – and when I'm hungry I think of nothing but food. During biology I found myself doodling miniature donuts all around the edges of my notebook, which led to doodles of pizza and fries. The rambunctious cafeteria is filled with teenagers as hungry as I am, as everyone stands in a dysfunctional line like animals to a river. The line is agonizing, perhaps seemingly more agonizing due to my extreme hunger – but I eventually manage to retrieve my meal. Skillfully maneuvering through the tables like a maze, I effortlessly reach the table occupied by Maya.

"So, tell me everything about South America." I eagerly greet as I situate myself in the seat across from hers.

Before she even has time to speak, we are interrupted by Austin and his group of friends.

"Hey, babe." He greets with a chaste kiss on the cheek before resuming his shenanigans with his teammates. I apologetically glance at Maya only to receive a shrug in reply. We're soon joined by some of the girls from the cheerleading team, and before we know it, our table is so crowded with people that I can barely hear myself think.

"Watch this." I hear Austin speak as he snatches an apple off the table and hurls it across the room, as it skillfully lands on his intended target.

The sound of a chair scraping against the tiled floor captures everyone's attention as Hudson's tall frame towers over everyone else's. He glances around the room until his gaze lands on our table, glaring as everyone begins to snicker but none of this seems humorous to me.

"Seriously, Chambers, you're really brave from across the room." Hudson speaks and my eyes widen as he begins to march in our direction.

I leap out of my chair and stand in front of Austin, my heart pounding against my chest in fear of another unnecessary confrontation.

"Stop," I command and my tone even catches me by surprise. "Both of you."

I turn to glare at Austin, and he seems displeased at me bossing him around in front of his friends.

"This isn't the time or the place." My words echo through the silent cafeteria.

I glance at Hudson knowing that pleading with him is a waste of time, but I couldn't have Austin getting into a fight on the first day of school - again.

"It won't happen again." I sincerely tell Hudson as I gaze at his clenched fists.

The veins in his neck protrude more than I knew possible. He scoffs and folds his arms across his chest and for the first time I notice a sun and moon tattoo on his forearm. That's new.

"You're right." Hudson scoffs. "I'm not wasting my time on some jockstrap that needs his girlfriend to fight his battles."

Austin leaps out of his seat with superhuman speed and tackles Hudson to the ground. I stand frozen in shock as if every muscle in my body has become catatonic. Every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up, but I react too late as I hear Ms. Miller's plummy voice vibrate off the walls.

"Enough, both of you!"

The boys break apart at the commanding tone and I gasp as I notice Austin's cut lip.

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