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I take my time getting to detention. It's not like I'll be missing much. I enter the room and spot a few familiar juvenile delinquents. Including my closest friend, Eli. I nod in his direction before glancing around my room to spot the outlier. I smirk and take a seat right next to her, handing her the rose I plucked from the garden on the way over. I offer her my most charming grin as I place the flower in her line of sight.

"What is that?" She questions tiredly.

"A rose."

"I can see that. Why is it in my face?"

"It's for you," I replied smoothly. "To apologize."

She opens her mouth, but an all too familiar nasally voice speaks up.

"Hey, Hudson." I close my eyes and brace myself. My attempts of avoidance have all been in vain.

"Hey, Stacy." I glance at her before turning my attention to the desk. The rose is still firmly in front of Luna's face.

Luna, clearly enjoying my discomfort, smirks and stands up. "Stacy, why don't you have my seat?" She grabs her backpack, hits the rose out of my hand onto my table, and stalks off. I clench my jaw as she sends a condescending wink across the room.

"That's a pretty rose." Stacy states.

"You can have it." I glumly state. I push out my chair and take the seat next to Eli. I fold my arms across my chest angrily.

"Your first rejection." He jokes and I scoff.

"Whatever." I state and sulkily glance out the window with my arms folded across my chest. I watch as the wind gently caresses the leaves of the maple tree. They flutter back and forth. Some break off and soar through the sky before landing a few feet away, joining the carpet of autumn leaves. It might be ridiculous to be envious of dying leaves, but they get to escape the clutches, while I'm forced to be confined in this stuffy room with a group of people that are nothing more than my weekly detention buddies. Except for Eli.

Mr. Landry walks in with a steaming cup of coffee and a sandwich. The conversations cease and everyone occupies themselves with someone else, but I'm not in the mood for anything right now. I slouch in my seat and tilt my head back. I close my eyes in hopes of getting some rest, but it's short-lived.

"Mr. Wilder, why do you insist on sleeping in every detention?" Mr. Landry's voice pierces the silence.

"There isn't much else to do." I shrug. "It's kind of expected when we're made to sit here for an hour. It's not like I can bake a cake."

The few people in the room snicker but immediately stop as Mr. Landry sends a menacing glare. They return to what they were doing and Mr. Landry turns back to marking his papers. With a smug grin, I make myself comfortable and close my eyes in hopes of making this hour fly by.


Yesterday's detention was extremely tedious, but I managed to get most of my work done which was a plus. I got to get home and relax for the first time in a long time. I strut into English with a pep in my step and make myself comfortable. I take out my sketch pad and continue yesterday's sketch of a sunflower. I feel Hudson's looming presence as he gazes over my shoulder to investigate, but I choose to ignore him. If we don't speak, we can't fight. I will not risk letting him set me off and ruin my chances at getting into Stanford.

"What are you doing?" He whispers into my ear like a curious child. I take a deep breath and continue to sketch the last parts of the sunflower. "You should draw a fire-breathing dragon. That would be sick."

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