Part 33-35

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Part 33

*Five's POV*
my angel's eyes fluttered closed along with mine. the second our lips were about to touch...

Klaus: hey! you're up! finally- oh! what's this?!😏 *he shouted as he skipped into the room before we could kiss*

Y/n: *she startled at Klaus' unexpected intrusion and jerked up straight but quickly fell back onto the bed and clutched her stomach. she sucked in a sharp breath as her face twisted in pain*

Y/n: irrumabo! *she curses in Latin*
Five: are you ok?! *i ask worriedly*
Klaus: sorry Phantom, didn't mean to startle you

Y/n: y-yeah, i'm fine *she panted heavily*
Five: *i sigh* no your not, come here Angel *i pull her into my lap and lay her down with her back against my chest. i then wrap my arms around her, careful not to hurt her*

Y/n: *some of her tension eases and she relaxes into me*
Five: *i look at Klaus* yes Klaus? how can we help you?

Klaus: were y'all about to kiss?!
Y/n: i don't s-see how that's a-ny of your busi-ness *she replied still breathing rather heavily*
Klaus: *he huffs and pouts like a child and i realize something*

Five: Klaus are you high?
Klaus: what?! me? pshhh no! *he giggles*
Y/n: you m-mean "yes"? *she quirks an eyebrow at him*
Klaus: yeah!

Five: oh jeez *i mutter*
Y/n: hey K-laus, i le-ft my blue j-jacket in my dre-am. can you g-o get it fo-for me please?
Five: *i look at her slightly confused but i can tell by her difficulty to talk that she is definitely not fine*

Klaus: yeah! i'm on it bestie! *he runs out of the room and closes the door*
Five: *finally understanding what she just told Klaus, i laugh* ok that was a good one

Y/n: thank y- agh- you *she smiles up at me*
Five: ok, enough. i know you're not ok
Y/n: w-what are you ta-talking about?
Five: *i give her a "really" look*
Y/n: *she sighs* fine
Five: can i take a look? *she nods*

*i carefully lift her shirt, so not to move her which would only hurt her more. my eyes widen when i see her bandages full of blood. i unwrap her wound and see blood spilling out of her*

Five: jesus y/n! you're bleeding!
Y/n: it's not that b-bad *she says as she groans*
Five: sorry love, i'm calling bullshit

*luckily all the supplies from last night were still on a rolling tray next to the bed. i grab the supplies and clean her wound. the whole time i do, she has her head against my chest and listens to my heartbeat while groaning and heavy breathing. i finished and rewrapped her wound in clean bandages*

Five: okay baby, i hate to ask this, but i'm gonna have to sit you up so i can check your back
Y/n: alright *she says and she sounds drained of energy*

Five: okay, here we go *i slowly start to sit up with her still laying against my chest*
Y/n: *she groans at the change in position*
Five: okay, i'm gonna pull away now alright? i still help hold you up

*she nods and whimpers once i move. i lift her shirt from the back and take off her bandages. luckily there is only a little bit of blood, so i clean her up and reapply clean bandages*
Five: there we go, all done *i reconnect my chest to her back and lower us back down slowly*

Y/n: agh fanculo! *she curses in Italian*
Five: sorry, you okay?
Y/n: yeah, i'm- mmm- okay *she adjusts herself so her head is rested on my chest and her ear is resting over my heart. she smiles weakly at me*

Five: i'm sorry baby... you really like that don't you? *i ask and play with her hair*
Y/n: yeah, i love listening and feeling your heart beats, it's so calming

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