Part 54-55 (The End)

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Part 54

~a couple months later, early January~
*Five's POV*
Today is the day. I'm getting married to my angel. I'm so excited but nervous at the same time. I check myself in the mirror and am satisfied with how I look

 I check myself in the mirror and am satisfied with how I look

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(Five's suit)

Diego: breathe dude, you've got this
Five: I know. I know.
Ben: she's gonna be so happy, you have nothing to worry about

Klaus: he's right, I've known Phantom for a while and I've never seen her happier than when she's with you.
Five: thanks guys. I'm ready
Ben: good, because it's time


Snow was falling softly, making it a beautiful scene. I'm standing under the wooden altar with plants and flowers. We decided to have the wedding in front of the forest that is outside of the Academy. Pogo was standing with me since he is going to marry us. Diego, Allison, Grace and Klaus were sitting down. I turned to see Y/n being escorted down the aisle by Ben.

Part 55
*Five's POV*

Part 55*Five's POV*

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(Your dress)

Her white dress made her look angelic. I could see her smile under her vail. She looked stunning. I was absolutely blown away by her beauty. Her and Ben make it to the altar. He lets her go and sits with the others as she hands her bouquet of flowers to Allison. Turning to me, her face lights up as I lift her vail. She holds my hands and Pogo starts.

Pope: we are gathering here to celebrate love and join these two souls in marriage. You may proceed with the vows.

Five: From the moment that I saw you, I knew. I could feel the connection when I looked into your enchanting blue eyes. I knew from the start that you were the one for me. My Angel, I love you with all my heart and I could never imagine how I got so lucky to find you.
*I could see a few tears slide down her cheeks so I wiped them away*

Y/n: My love, I never imagined that in all my existence, I would find love. I've read and seen story after story, describing love. But none of them could ever prepare me for what I found with you. You saved me in so many ways and I feel such an overwhelming sense of love for you. My heart beats for you and you alone Five Hargreeves. I love you more than words can say.

*now it was my turn to let out a few tears. She wiped them away and kissed my cheek*

Pogo: Do you, Five Hargreeves, take Y/n Nash to be your wife? In sickness and in health, till death do you part?
Five: I do.

Pogo: And do you, Y/n Nash, take Five Hargreeves to be your husband? In sickness and in health, till death do you part?
Y/n: I do.

Pogo: may we have the rings?
*Diego stands up and hands me my angel's ring and Grace hands y/n mine*

Pogo: Five, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed
Five: With this ring, I thee wed
*I slide the ring onto Y/n's finger*

Pogo: Y/n. With this ring, I thee wed
Y/n: With this ring, I thee wed
*she slides the ring onto my finger and we smile uncontrollably at each other*

Pogo: I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride.

*I pull her in by her hips and our lips meet. The kiss was gentle, loving and passionate.

(You and Five)

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(You and Five)

We pull away after a minute, both smiling. The others are cheering and everything is right with the world. I hold the love of my life in my arms and I'm never letting go.*


Hope you all enjoyed the story! :) <3

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