Parts 1-3

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Part 1

*Klaus' POV*
i was sitting in the living room of the academy with my ghost brother Ben and my best friend Y/n who is also a ghost. I moved back into the academy after my adoptive dad died and my brother Five came back and stopped the apocalypse. As for my other siblings- Luther went back up to the moon, Allison and Diego and Five moved back into the academy too, and my other sister Vanya went on some nature retreat so she can relax and not cause any apocalypses. anyways i'm laying on the couch and y/n is floating around the room and imitating George Washington. Ben is sitting next to me and we are cracking up.

Klaus: stop! i can't breathe! *i manage to say between laughs*
Y/n: ok ok! sorry! *she laughs and sits on the floor*
Klaus: so you really met George Washington?

*y/n died in the year 1217 so she has been around for a long time, she has seen and witnessed a lot*

Y/n: yeah! i was standing right next to him in his major victory at Trenton on December 26, 1776. of course no one could see me... but i was there!
Ben: wow! you've seen just about everything!

Y/n: indeed *she smiles proudly* i even sat next to Shakespeare as he wrote Macbeth, one of my favorites by the way! while writing, he would stop and read it aloud to see how it sounded, i would just sit and listen. i loved it when he read to me... *she trails off and her eyes seem distant as she is consumed by the memory*

Klaus: wow... *i go into thought as y/n's and Ben's voices become background noise. after a minute or two, i'm pulled out of my thoughts by Ben trying to copy y/n's English accent*

Y/n: oh my gosh no! that is not an English accent! *we all start cracking up and i hear footsteps approaching us*
Five: Klaus is that you?

*Five's POV*
i'm walking through the academy when i hear Klaus laughing in the living room, i almost dismissed it until i could swear i heard other voices with him. i walk towards the living room confused as i know that Klaus and i are the only ones home besides mom.

Five: Klaus is that you?

*i ask as i walk into the room and see him sprawled out on the couch laughing. i then see two semi
see-through figures that have a light blue glow to them. (Klaus is using his powers to make you and Ben visible) one is my deceased brother, Ben, sitting next to Klaus on the couch. but the other is a girl i've never seen before, she is laying on the floor and the three of them are laughing really hard. i take in the girl's appearance as she continues to laugh... she looks about 17, she has long brown hair and icy blue eyes and is quite beautiful.*

Five: umm- Klaus?
Klaus: huh? oh hi Five! *they all stop laughing and look at me*
Five: uh- hi? Ben is that you?
Ben: yes it is *he smiles at me* it's good to see you again brother
Five: you too *i smile back* umm, who is this?
Klaus: oh right! i haven't introduced you to my bestie! Five, this is y/n. y/n, this is Five.

Y/n: hello Five! it's so nice to officially meet you! *her angelic voice is soft and laced with an English accent. we smile at each other and i can't help but feel... flustered by her*

Five: hi y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you too! do you guys mind if i join you?
Y/n: of course not, come sit! *she motions to a spot on the floor next to her*

Part 2

*Five's POV*
i walk over to y/n and sit next to her. she smiles at me and i smile back. now that i was closer, i observed her face more. her face is gorgeous, but my smile faltered when my eyes met hers. i was mesmerized and caught in a trance by her piercing blue eyes, but there was something off about them. they looked dull and empty and... well almost dead. don't get me wrong, her eyes are beautiful. i mean it makes sense why they look that way but it's sad, she looks so young, too young to be dead.

Phantom Lover {FivexReader}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu