Parts 4-8

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Part 4

*Y/n's POV*
my heart hasn't beat since the day i died, nor should it, i mean i'm dead! i stand there in shock for a few seconds then pull my hand away and run out and into the woods behind the academy. this is impossible! there is no way that could have just happened! -but it did... and it felt amazing

*Five's POV*
as i ate my sandwich, i was deep in thought. i finished and took care of the dishes. then i went to find mom

Five: hey mom?
Grace: yes dear? *she looks up from her sewing and smiles at me*
Five: i have a bit of an odd question...
Grace: in that case i'll do my best to answer

Five: ok, so- umm... i met this girl, she's a friend of Klaus, and i really want to get to know her more but i can't without Klaus because... well she's a ghost and dead. i was wondering if there would be any chance that you could make something that can help me see and talk to her without Klaus' help?

Grace: hmmm, that is an odd question... i think i might be able to come up with a serum to give you that ability, perhaps with a little bit of Klaus' DNA

Five: really?! *i ask as excitement washes through me*
Grace: yes, i think so *she smiles* i will go look into it as soon as i finish mending this skirt for Klaus
Five: that's amazing! thank you so much mom!

*i hug her and she hugs me back*
Grace: of course dear, now it's getting late. go get ready for bed
Five: yes mom

*i leave to my room and get ready for bed. i lay down and pick up the book "Macbeth" that i'm rereading. it's one of my favorites. after a little bit, my eye lids grow heavy and i doze off. soon after that, before i fall into complete sleep, i feel something on my cheek. it's very soft, faint, and cold yet still comforting... it's not a complete touch though... more of a phantom touch. then i hear a single heartbeat before the feeling on my cheek is gone. i don't have enough time to figure out what happened as i fully fall asleep*

Part 5

*No one's POV*
you kept running deeper into the woods until you reached a small lake. you drop to your knees on the shore and breathe heavily.

Y/n: w-what's h-hap-happening *you say while panting*
Y/n: n-no not a-again *you start to cry*
Y/n: BEN!!! KLAUS!!! FIVE!!! ANYONE!!! *you scream into the silent night*

~at the academy~
A phantom scream echoed through the quiet house.
Five stirred in his sleep.
Klaus was out cold.
Ben was watching the fire in the fireplace.

Ben suddenly shot to his feet and looked around for the source of the scream. looking around he saw nothing, he thought for a second then realization hit him

Ben: y/n. *he runs out of the academy and listening for more cries or screams. then an ear shattering scream tore the silent air for his ears only. he starts running through the woods, not bothering to dodge trees. he focuses on the sobbing that puts pain and life in the dead like forest*

Y/n: b-ben... k-klaus... f-five... a-anyone... please *you sobs as you rock yourself back and forth in a ball*
Ben: y/n... *he finds you on the shore of the lake and walks towards you slowly*
Y/n: h-help me p-please
Ben: what's wrong? what happened? *he slowly sits in front of you*

Y/n: i-it's ha-happening again *you cry*
Ben: a panic attack? *you nod* ok, it's ok. i want you the breathe alright?
Y/n: o-okay *Ben does breathing exercises with you and you catch your breath*
Ben: good, now what's one thing that you can see?

Y/n: t-trees
Ben: good, what's something you can hear?
Y/n: the w-water rippling on the shore
Ben: yeah that's it, there you go, you feeling better?
Y/n: yes, thank you
Ben: any time... can you tell me what happened?

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