Before Serena could open the jeep doors she had fallen right into a puddle of mud her legs gone now having a tail and her chest having a scally bra on. "Omg, omg, omg." Serena freaks out. Serena looked around to see if there was any dry area, there was but it was under the jeep. Sighing Serena rolls herself under the jeep raising her hand Serena concentrates on drying herself off. After a few moments, Serena was finally dry the problem was it was still raining and wet so Serena just had to get into the Jeep before she grew a tail again and then she could dry off in the Jeep.

Serena quickly crawled from under the jeep getting herself wet and muddy before she quickly threw the door to the jeep open and got in. Serena could hear Noah yelling at the boys causing her to panic and grab a shirt she found on the floor of the jeep to dry off which thankfully worked.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Serena lets out a long sigh as she gets up for school. Last night had taken an hour away from her sleep time and she was quite cranky about it. Serena got out of bed and walked to her dresser pulling out the stuff she wanted to wear. Throwing on her clothes she walks out of her bedroom into the bathroom she takes her hair out of its braids letting the curls fall. "Serena! Let's go!" Scott yelled from downstairs causing Serena to quickly brush through her hair before she rushes downstairs. Serena puts on her black Doc-Martins before grabbing her book bag and walking out the door with Scott.

Serena and Scott rode bikes to school most of the time but today Serena was just gonna walk beside her brother. Serena says a short goodbye to her brother before walking to where she saw Mitch and Stiles at.

"Hey, guys!" Serena smiles at the two before giving Mitch a small kiss causing Stiles to groan in disgust. "You ready?" Mitch asks. "Of course, Bye stiles!" Serena waves at the boy who yells a bye back.

"You look beautiful," Mitch looks lovingly at Serena walking up the stairs into the high school. "Well, thank you, kind sir, you look quite handsome yourself," Serena winks.

"What happened last night? When you ran to the jeep? You were all muddy when Stiles and I got back to it." Mitch questions his girlfriend as they walk through the crowded halls. "The rain," Serena answers in a duh tone causing Mitch's eyes to widen as if he forgot what his girlfriend was. "Right, right."

"It's a bummer we don't have our first class together." Serena fake pouts. "At least you have Scott and Stiles." Mitch mocks causing Serena to roll her eyes with a smile. "I don't know if that's something I should be happy about." Mitch just smiled and went to kiss the girl but was interrupted as the bell rang. "Better luck next time baby," Serena shouts as she dodges the kiss. Mitch groans knowing Serena had done it on purpose.

Serena had got a seat that was right in front of Stiles and right beside her brother. "As you all know there indeed was a body found in the woods last night." The teacher had started causing Scott to look at his sister the boy then turned around to his best friend, while his sister gave him a look as if telling him 'Turn back around you idiot' while the other winked and laughed at him. "And I'm sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you the police have a suspect in custody which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining the semester." The teacher states causing Serena to roll her eyes.

Serena looked out the corner of her eye watching as her brother looked around the room before his eyes landed outside causing her to follow his line of sight where a girl was talking to the principal at.

Serena goes back to reading over the syllabus before the door to the class opens causing her to look up. The girl and principal were now standing in the doorway of the class causing Serena's eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

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