32 - It's Done

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The new year chimed in swiftly and quietly. Rylee couldn't believe it was January yet again.

Snow was lightly falling outside, still carrying along the Christmas feel, especially since all of their Christmas decorations were still up. They never put up a lot, but it was enough to get that cozy holiday feeling.

Stockings were still strung up along the wall, alongside garland and pinecone bundles. The Christmas tree still shining brightly with its twinkling white lights in the corner.

At first, when Rylee came downstairs, she felt silly for getting a mug of hot chocolate and the softest blanket in the house to camp on the couch with her laptop, but as soon as she sat down, she didn't regret it for a second.

She set her mug down on the coaster in front of her and melted back into the cushions of the couch, opening her laptop.

She felt butterflies stir up in her stomach, but not because of the baby. She had immediately opened her web browser and her event website popped up. It was still in the editing stage but all she had to do was hit the "Launch" button and RAS Events would be live again.

It almost made her want to throw up with nerves.

She made the site exactly how she wanted it. And she was surprised that she did it overall by herself. Sebastian had offered to help hire a web designer but she had passed on it. She had made her last website so she sort of new the ropes, and she did well for herself so she figured she could try again. She figured if worst came to worst she could maybe hire someone later if the site wasn't working out.

But here she was. Her site in front of her. Simple yet elegant. All sorts of tabs leading to examples of her work, the things she could do, her experience and all of her contact information.

The contact information was a bit trickier this time around. Having a celebrity husband made it a bit difficult to put herself out there. She decided to buy a PO Box for her business and have a separate cell phone for it as well. Mainly if something ever happened, she could easily change that information instead of having to uproot her personal information.

She scrolled through her site for the fiftieth time that morning. Or at least it felt like it.

She leaned forward slowly, her baby bump blocking her a bit, to grab her mug and take a long sip of her drink before she leaned back into the couch and stared at her website.

Just do it, Rylee. Click launch. Click it. Click it.

And with some form of mystic unseen courage, she tapped the mouse and hit launch.

She groaned when a pop up came up, expecting something to be wrong. Maybe she messed up a code somewhere. Or there were missing pieces.

But she was surprised to see it was a confirmation.

"You clicked 'LAUNCH'. By doing so, your newly created website will be live and available to those online. Do you wish to proceed?"

Before she could think about it too hard, Rylee clicked yes. And soon another banner appeared.

"Congratulations! Your site is live!"

Sebastian was still in Los Angeles for another day, but Rylee was practically shaking with excitement and nerves over her site launch. She had to call him.

The phone rang...And rang...And rang.

"Hey, this is Sebastian. Please leave your name and number after the beep. Thanks!" *beep*

She quickly pulled her phone away from her face to see the time. 7:35 AM.

"Oh god, hi baby. I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about the time difference. Everything's fine. I just..wanted to say hello. Give me a call when you wake up. I love you."

Fate and Fortune CookiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon