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"Promise me you'll be safe out there, okay?" Kayla tied the white ribbon around the end of the braid and then let it lay along Techno's back.

"Don't worry. Technoblade never dies, remember?" Techno responded with a small chuckle. He reached behind himself and ran his hand along the perfect braid. "Thanks."

"Of course," Kayla chirped. Techno stood up from where he had been sitting cross-legged on the floor of the cottage, and Kayla stood up as well. She pushed the wooden chair back and picked up a small object that was laid on the table beside her.

"Is Wilbur going to be back soon?" Techno asked.

"Yes, he went hunting with Ranboo," Kayla explained, "Techno, I have something for you."

"What is it?"

Kayla placed the object in Techno's hand. It was a pendant. There was a small, pink flower pressed between two thin pieces of round glass, hanging from a silver chain. "This. A gift from me. A thank you gift. A goodbye gift. I'll really miss you, Techno."

Techno studied the pendant and felt a flash of sadness. He placed it over his head and let it rest around his neck. "Thank you, Kayla. I'll treasure it forever."

"We're home!" A voice called, followed by the sound of a door slamming. Wilbur walked into the kitchen and was followed by Ranboo, who smiled and waved at Kayla and Techno.

"Wilbur, Ranboo, it's time for me to say goodbye," Techno told them, "I will miss you all so very much, but I've overstayed my visit. Phil left weeks ago, and now it's my turn."

Wilbur looked sad but nodded. "We will miss you, too. Thank you for protecting Kayla in the arena."

"She was my ally. How could I not?" Techno replied with a smile. The group walked back towards the door, and the pink haired male grabbed his sword and scabbard off its hanger on the wall. Wilbur opened the door and the four walked outside.

Kayla and Wilbur had built the home a decent length away from Manburgia; in the middle of a peaceful forest. Sam had stayed behind in the city, in order to create a new life for himself, and Puffy headed towards the ocean—hoping to purchase a ship and sail the seas.

Ranboo had decided he would live with Kayla and Wilbur, while Techno and Phil knew from the start that they would leave eventually. Phil discovered that he could fly again, and a few weeks ago he left in search of a life away from the rest of the world.

Now, Techno was prepared to do the same.

"If you ever need help, just send a message with one of Phil's crows. I'll be there before you know it. There's always a couple crows hanging around the cottage—his way of making sure you all are okay."

Kayla nodded. "We will."

"Here," Wilbur said, holding a brown pouch to the pink haired male, "Buy yourself a horse in the next town you come across. It'll be useful."

"That's a good idea. Thanks." Techno tucked the bag into his pocket.

"Bye," Kayla said, "Stay safe."

Techno smiled. He glanced down at the glass pendant that Kayla gave him, running his thumb over the smooth surface. He was sad that he had to leave them behind, but he knew that he would come back and visit. This wasn't truly goodbye.

It was time to start a new chapter of his life.

A/n - And that's a wrap, folks!
Thank you so very much for staying with me over the course of this story, and supporting me all along the way! I appreciate it so much (:
I hope you enjoyed the story, and I have a special surprise for all of you thinking (and possibly commenting) that it was sad that this story is coming to a close. Take a look at the next page ;)
Lots of love!! <3
~Echo :D

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