Chapter 5

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The three stood in silence for a second as the eerie scream echoed in the forest.

"What was that?!" Kayla exclaimed. Techno grimaced, tightening his grip on the hilt of his sword.

"Come on, something's wrong," he said, running towards the noise.

"I'm coming, too," Fundy said. Kayla and Fundy followed Techno through the trees until the mumbles of voices grew louder before them.

"What is wrong with you? She could die!" An unfamiliar voice yelled, followed by the sounds of weapons clashing. Techno stopped at the edge of the clearing, glaring at the scene, with Kayla and Fundy close behind.

"Dream," Techno growled, running forward. Kayla looked around and saw a masked man in a green hoodie fighting with a mostly bald person in a brown shirt. Then she noticed the person laying on the floor.

"Shit! Niki!" Fundy exclaimed, kneeling down next to the other girl, "No, no, no— shit, she's lost so much blood—" There was a deep wound over her chest and her eyes were frozen in a shocked expression.

"Long time no see, Techno!" Another voice shouted. It belonged to the man wearing a mask—Dream. He swung his axe at Techno, but the pigman dodged it gracefully.

"Is she okay?" Kayla whispered. Fundy held two fingers to the side of the neck before his ears dropped and he shook his head. Kayla bit her lip and kneeled down next to Niki, a contestant she would never truly meet.

"She's gone. Too much blood loss," Fundy sighed. He used one hand to gently shut her eyelids, so it could almost be that she was sleeping.

Techno swung his sword quickly and knocked Dream off balance, so he took the chance to swing his foot under his enemy's, causing Dream to fall to the ground.

"Retreat!" Dream yelled, scrambling out of the vulnerable position, "I may have lost this time, Techno, but don't worry. I'll be the one to kill you." He and three other people ran into the forest.

Techno sheathed his sword and walked over to us, raising an eyebrow at Niki's limp body. I shook my head and he nodded sadly. Another man, the one who was first fighting with Dream, ran over to us.

"Is she dead?" He asked, "Please don't tell me she's dead- Dream just attacked us out of nowhere!"

"Sorry, Jack," Fundy said, standing face to face with the man, "She's gone already." Jack tensed his hands into fists but nodded.

"Curse you, you fucking green bastard!" Jack yelled, "You dickhead! You-"


Jack gasped, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, before tumbling forwards almost on top of Kayla. She jumped out of the way and her eyes widened upon seeing an arrow lodged deep in the back of Jack's neck.

"What the—no!" Fundy cried, kneeling down next to Jack. Kayla looked over at the direction of where the arrow came from and spotted a white-clothed individual with a crossbow in his hands.

"Punz," Techno growled, noticing him as well. As if the man knew he had been spotted, he disappeared back into the trees.

"He's not going to live, is he?" Kayla asked sadly. Fundy nodded and stood up again.

"That wasn't what I had planned when I said we were going to take you around the arena," Techno said bitterly, "Now Niki and Jack are dead. Is Dream just trying to eliminate everyone who lives in the hills?"

"And is Punz working for him now? I thought it was just Dream, George, and Sapnap," Fundy said.

"From the looks of it, yes," Techno replied, "We better get out of here. The cannon shots will sound soon."

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