Chapter 34

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Kayla gasped and flipped around towards the voice, suddenly finding herself staring down the barrel of a gun. She didn't flinch but blinked in surprise, staying silent as the gun lowered from between her eyes and she caught sight of its holder.

The President.

"How are you here?" She sputtered in shock, "You're not supposed to be in the capital right now!"

He smirked, cocking his head to the side. The dim light fell onto his face in long shadows that sent a shiver down her spine. "I never left the capital, Kayla. It was all part of this little plan."


"I've known about your connection with Mr Soot," he elaborated, passing the gun to a soldier standing to his right and clasping his hands behind his back. "I've known it since the days I set my sights on hiring you. I did deep, Kayla, before I let Quackity approach someone."

"Well, why'd you still give me a job?" She questioned in confusion, "And what did Wilbur even do to be arrested? I've seen his document—the reason for arrest is blank!"

Schlatt's facial expression turned dark. "That's something you'll have to ask him."

"What do you...what do you mea—"

"As for why I gave you a job," the horned man continued, cutting her off, "I knew that it had been over a decade since you two had been in contact. So, when he was registered as a contestant, I decided to use him. Would you even remember him, and would you do anything about it? That was the question."

Kayla swallowed nervously, her eyes darting from the President to the handful of soldiers that had accompanied him—at his sides and guarding the only exit. Besides the one behind her.

"I just don't understand one thing..." Kayla said, "Why didn't the code work? Quackity was the one who told me."

"Sir? What's the proble—what the fuck is going on?!" Another voice suddenly exclaimed in surprise, appearing from the end of the hall.

"Perfect timing," Schlatt huffed in amusement.

Quackity walked towards them and his eyes flickered rapidly between Kayla and Schlatt with a concerned and baffled expression. His uniform was slightly wrinkled, as if he had been dragged out of bed, and there were dark bags beneath his eyes.

"What's going on?" He repeated.

"Feeling sober yet, Quackity?"

"Y-yes, sir, I am," the beanie wearing man replied in embarrassment, "Just a small headache, but otherwise fine."

The President rolled his eyes and looked back to Kayla. "As for your question—well, that code he told you has been invalid for quite some time now. I changed it soon after he accidently found it out."

Quackity sputtered at his words. "Wait! You mean—I never actually knew the code? It was useless this whole time?"

"There's a reason that I'm the only one with the code," Schlatt states sternly, "I'm sure you see that now." Quackity nodded and his face dropped into one of disappointment, but understanding.

"Now—about you." The President turned his direction to Kayla once more with a cold expression.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" She challenged with her remaining courage, "Who will help Karl if I'm gone?"

"Karl will manage with a bit of help," Schlatt said offhandedly, "But, no, I won't be killing you. Not me, specifically, at least. No, I thought it might be a bit more interesting to place you in the arena. It would be quite ironic, hm?"

The breath left Kayla's chest and her legs felt like they might collapse under her. "You—you can't. You can't do this."


"Stay out of this, Quackity," Schlatt hissed, narrowing his eyes, "Kayla—the decision is set. Ponk will be here shortly. I'll leave it up to Techno and Dream and the rest of the contestants for how long you live."

Two soldiers approached and stood on either side of her with firm grips on her shoulders. Kayla's heart sped up and she frantically racked her brain for a solution. Suddenly, she reached for the knife in her right sleeve and pulled it out, slicing at the man to her left. The tip of the blade cut through the front of his neck and his brown eyes glossed over as he collapsed to the ground.

Kayla ducked the other man before making a last-ditch effort to run for the only exit. After a moment someone grabbed her wrist and wrenched her back again. They twisted her right arm behind her back so her hand was pressed against her shoulder blades and slammed her against the wall. Kayla gasped as her body made contact with the wall and a sharp pain blossomed by her jaw. She tried to struggle against the large soldier's grip as they pulled her back towards the President with both of her arms held tightly in place.

"Impulsive," Schlatt tsked, shaking his head, "But you've got a good head. It's a pity I can't keep you. I'm sure you'll make some ripples in the arena, though."

She felt a trickle of warm liquid trickle down the side of her chin and a rusty, metallic tang in her mouth as her jaw throbbed. A pair of footsteps clicked against the tiled floor and Ponk appeared holding a metal tray.

"Uh, wha—what's happened?" He asked hesitantly, pausing suddenly to look over the scene, "Kayla? President Schlatt?"

"Don't ask questions," Schlatt snapped, "She's going into the arena." Ponk glanced at Kayla for a moment and a look of sympathy and sadness flashed in his eyes. He slowly nodded and walked up to her, placing the tray on the ground beside him.

As he took her arm in his hand, Kayla kept her gaze straight ahead. "I'm sorry, Kayla," Ponk whispered to her regretfully as the knife slit into her skin. Schlatt grinned smugly at her.

"Truly is a pity I can't keep you," he huffed, "But I'm sure you still have questions, Kayla. Don't worry. You'll have all the time in the world to ask Mr Soot once you're both in the underworld."

The last thing she thought about was Karl before she felt the prick of the needle enter the side of her neck. The world suddenly engulfed her in a blinding darkness.

She knew now.

Silence had never been so loud.

But, finally, voices broke through the barrier.

"Kayla? Kayla!"

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

"I don't know. Techno, what should we do?"

"Why are you asking me?!"

"Because you know her best!"

"We can't stay here long—someone might find us. How about we just carry her?"

"I'd like to see you try carrying someone, Sam."

"Well, Phil, what do you suggest?!"

"Shut up, you two! She's stirring!"

Kayla breathed deeply as she became aware of herself again, her mind filled with too many thoughts. She almost wished it could have all been a nightmare—but she couldn't fool herself. It wasn't, and it all had happened.

This all felt so very familiar to her.

She blinked her eyes open and was met with a pair of bright red eyes once more.

Except this time she wasn't in the arena.

A/n - O.o
Thank you for 7k!! (:
Love <3

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