The letters and harem start. Part 1.

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3rd person p.o.v

Sairgaorg was train with Y/N on his new developed powers.Y/N felt sad knowing that he worked so hard for it to go unnoticed by Rias and her peerage but he had devised a plan on how to be happy again all he need was one person to find him.

Y/N:Hey Sairgaorg I think it is time.

Sairgaorg: So who to first?

Y/N:My parents,Serzech,mom, dad,Gryfia and the Sirti's.

Sairgaorg:Sound good I will have my mother and peerage deliver it to them.

Y/N:Thank you buy why help me Sairgaorg.

Sairgaorg: Because you and me. We are built different.

Y/N:What do you mean?

Sairgaorg: Let's put it this way. You were betrayed but yet seek to redeem them. You fight for yourself and others. You feel you need to prove yourself but yet you protect the strong as you protect the weak. You love your enemies but crave a good fight.

Y/N:How do you know all this?

Sairgaorg:There is lengend in hakai and Hamon that says that two equals of righteous hearts will fight and see each.It entails of the fight we had. Two kings,one goal,two pasts,one understanding of each other.

Y/N:So we are the same then. I glad I like and not that perv.

Sairgaorg:I am glad to.

Sairgaorg's mom comes.

Aunty M:You wanted ask me something.

Y/N:Yes I would like you to go to my mom please and give her this?

Y/N hands her a letter with the Baal and Gremory seels on them.

Aunty M: Of course dear but I require somethings in return.


Y/N:No it's fine Sairgaorg. What would you like?

Milsa:I would like three things. 1)For you to call me by my name. I don't like you calling me aunty. 2) A date this Friday night and 3)One other requests later on.

Y/N:1)OKay but why don't you like me calling aunty. 2) Ok I wasn't doing amything anyway and 3) I guess ine request won't hurt but no requesting for more requests.

Milsa:1 Awesome and because it doesn't feel right.2)I am glad you said yes and 3) I won't do that. OKay bye.

She left via teleportation. Y/N looked at Sairgaorg.

Y/N:Dude what just happened?

Sairgaorg:I think you technically became my Dad.

They looked at each others and laughed.

Y/N:That's awkard .

Sairgaorg:Not at all I even heard you Mom loved you like that as well but please take care of her.

Y/N:Thanks for information and I will.

They fistbumb and begin sparing.

Milsa's P.O.V

I am so excited he actually siad yes but first I need to help him not that I mind after he did for me . I hope he will accept my feelings.

(Timeskip because sonic ran into a wall)

Vellana(Can't spell):Oh how are you Milsa?

Milsa:I am good but I a letter request from someone and I need to read it to you and the other Gremories except Mallicas and Rias.

Vellana:Ok but why?

Milsa:Please trust me.

She nods and gets the others.

Milsa:Good you are all here.

I open the letter.I read the shocking truth.

Dear family.

You are wondering where I am .I am in Baal teratory. I am here under there protection because Rias has betrayed me. I know how long I will stay but please leave Rias be I will deal with it just as you have taught me and if she ask say you got a letter say I went train in the mountains I will let others like Sona and my peerage know soon. Please look after my nephew and have a good time .


I look up to see them crying.

Serzech:Atleast he is fine.

Gryfia:Yes but I still request to visist him.

Milsa:Yes but only to at a please to aviod Rias' thinking anything of it.

Gryfia: We understand.

Milsa:Now all the men can go it is time for the other reason I am here and that is girl talk.

The men leave.

Gryfia:So what do you want to talk about?

Milsa:Oh I don't know the fact that out of the three of us I am on top.

Gryfia:But how we have been advancing since we got your challenge.

Vallana:Yes and how exactly did you get to my son before I did.

Milsa:I made a trade.

Gryfia:What trade?

Milsa:If I delivered this message to you and the Sirti's I get to go out on a date with him.

They stood still.

Gryfia:Let us in on the trade please.

Vallana:Yes please do.

Milsa:Okay fine but we have to convince the three Sitris girls as well.

Gryfia:I can do that with Serafall and Sona.

Vallana:Leave Lady Sitri to me.

Milsa:Okay then let's go.


They teleport to the Sirti domain.

Sona's P.O.V

Mother called saying that I come to our home in the underworld real quick and she said it was urgent. I wonder what is wrong. I hope she is okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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