Top King

557 5 2

(Y/N) P.O.V

I will be at the top but I will be alone at the top. My whole life has lead to this but now I don't want it. I know I have family and friends but why do I feel more alone than ever.

Riser's P.O.V

If I win or lose this I will have Rais either way. I am glad I got a second chance but I need defeat her. So I am not so focused on this one. I mean Riser surely stronger than this pathetic excuse for a Gremory. Challenging me with only two peices. He is a joke.

Rias's P.O.V

It has been a week since the last time I saw (Y/N).His match got postponed to today. I am worried because he will be versing Riser and then Sona right after that. What is he thinking? Is he trying to prove something?

Issei:Rias are you ok? I mean we beat Sona but since you haven't been the same.

Rias:Sona was a man down and she gave up on purpose. It frustrates me.

Just then a yellow emblam appears. It is Riser. My parents said that they reingage me with him.

Riser:Hello my love Riser will be versing you brother today and then three days from now Riser will be versing you .

Everyone is shocked.

Riser:So if Riser win you have to agree to our marriage but if Riser loses then there is no more.

Rias:Ok we got it now get out I have more pressing matter to prepare for like versing my brother in a rating game.

Riser:You insult Riser with this talk of him being better.

Issei:Well bird brain he is versing you and then Sona right after each other.

Riser laughs .

Riser:He won't be able to verse Sona because he will be in hospital.

Just then a red circle opens opens up .
It is (Y/N).

(Y/N):Greetings all.Hello my opponent I look forward to today's match.

Riser laughs again.

Riser:Really Riser must be scared of him. He is barely able to even stand against Riser .

(Y/N) grows a cheeky smile.

(Y/N):Okay if you are so sure how about a wager.

Riser grows a big smile.

Riser:Riser is intrested.Riser is listening.

(Y/N):If I win I get your sister as my bishop and if you win I will give you my knight as your slave.

Ash:What the fuck (Y/N)?


He is about to walk away.

(Y/N):Oh and one more thing.

Riser turns around to get a punch in the stomach. He drops to the floor.

Sucker punchUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum