Let The Games Begin

Start from the beginning

Auron uses bishidou: Tornado. The queen is hurt and fires fire at Auron. In a final attempt to finish Auron uses bishidou:Final Crime and she uses Tiring wake. They both get knocked out.The crowd goes wild.

Ash:Fucking piece of shit pat I should use these cards as shit paper.

Y/N: Thank you Auron because of you we can win.

You guyz draw again.

You both redraw

Y/N:Reno, Riker your up.

He sends two pawns and you send Reno and Riker. The match begins they use twin spiral while Reno and Riker use elite defense and mighty guard . Then Riker uses sunburst while Reno uses maxed out.The two pawns are knocked out Reno and Riker win.

Ash:Fuck yeah.

Y/N:Nice combinations I am impressed with all of you so far.

Both of them:Thanks .

Azazel:That was something else.

Gryfia:Indeed that was very skilled.

You guys draw.

Azazel:This like every man for themself dam.

Gryfia:It is a grunt war now.

You and Sairgaorg send all your pawns out.
The 8 v. 7 match begins . Cloud takes out 2 pawns before retiring, Wakka is retired before he can take anyone out but hurts 5 five of them badly with Aurocus spirit while boasting everyone on his team ,Nyx takes out 2 but is retired,Reno use final count but is retired ,Tifa takes out 2 but is retired. Tidus use energy ray and knocks a pawn out. Then Regulas comes and uses rao of the lion king to knock out Tidus.

Ash:Damit,they were doing so fucking well then fucking Mufusa came desided to fucking piss on us.

Azazel:Umm did you get any of that.

Gryfia: Yes,Cloud took out 2 pawns before retiring, Wakka is retired before he can taking anyone out but hurts 5 five of them badly with Aurocus spirit while boasting everyone on his team ,Nyx took out 2 but was retired,Reno used final count but was retired ,Tifa takes out 2 but was retired. Tidus used energy ray and knocked a pawn out. Then Regulas comes and uses rao of the lion king to knock out Tidus.

Azazel:Wow hectic.


You guys draw

Gryfia:They both drew a 10 but as Y/N pawns lefts Sairgaorg wins this match.


You guys draw.

Sairgaorg\Y/N: I pick your queen.

Azazel:Well its a tigh

This goes on for the next three draws.
After a tie up game for four games you guys draw.

Azazel:Finally something else.

Ash:Well that was fucking boring.

Sairgaorg send his knight and Zeno out.

Knight : Hello good sir I hope you can give me a good bout.

Zeno:Bring it on.

Zeno use rooks trade and make a earthquake but the knight make several clones . Zeno is surrounded. He takes out all the clones but is heavily paining.

Zeno: Is that all you got.

Knight:You fought valiantly but this ends now.

The knight charges an attack.

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