Ch 22. Black

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Four words

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Four words.

It only takes four words from Jeongguk.

Jeon Jeongguk:
Can you come outside?

It's a moment where there's nothing. When four words on his phone at 10:23 pm loses any last courtesy in him, and he can't even think. When his heartbeat increases, and his limbs that felt tired are now up running. When his bed is left, and there's nothing but quiet footsteps when Taehyung leaves his room in every hurry he could get.

It's when he's running down the stairs that it settles. That Jeongguk texted him, that Jeongguk's probably outside his house now. He flushes, lips pursed shut, fingertip circling around the rim of his white pyjamas shirt. The air turned cold and Taehyung has no heartbeat anymore.

When he opens the front door he never thought that it was possible to feel so overwhelmed. When the pitter of the night rain falls on the pavement, he hopes that it will swollow him whole.

His insides feels much smaller than usual. Like there is something caved pressing against his skin, aching to come outside. Maybe it is his breath. Together with the taps of the rain, taps of his heartbeat.

There's so much rain.

It's heavy, hanging on his umbrella when the air feels ominous. Different shoes on each of his feet, but he doesn't care.

When Taehyung's eyes shift to Jeongguk, who had moved to stand against his motorcycle. There's mothing but a million heartbeats.

Jeongguk's in nothing but a black hood and his gaze instantly falls Taehyung when he comes out.

At some point he finds his feet pressed against the cold pavement floor, the foul taste of his words burn like acid in his mouth. He can't breathe. He can't do anything when he sees Jeongguk.

Jeongguk expression is blank, but Taehyung sees so much.

It's strange because he has seen him so many times, but when he stands there and his chest aches in every pain, he always sees him for the first time.

He's gone over every possible outcome in his head on why he is here, when Taehyung tries to walk out closer with the umbrella between his slipping hands, it looks more like a wobbled mess. He thinks, that out all reasons Taehyung still doesn't understand why he's here, why when he walks up to him on the street, there's nothing but feeling like his heart was the one trying to get out through his skin when he is before him.

Jeongguk is hidden behind his black hood over his dark fringe, almost as to hide the glassiness of his heavy eyes and dark circles that gives away every last piece of his exhaustion.

There are a million things that Taehyung wants to say. Maybe even his name would be a start, but when Taehyung opens his mouth nothing comes out. There's constricting in his throat, and when he looks at Jeongguk so close he feels so much at once.

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