Ch 20. Easy

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Taehyung listen to the instructions, Second position, plié , on your toes, grand-plié. Rond de jambe.

He tried to get the exit and lower his leg, hunching and dropping himself down, the stretch of his ribs strained into unfamiliar pain.

The gritty straining breath washed over Taehyung's faculties. Extending his arm upward, spread out over his way in the studio. His eyes shine and he loses focus, the mirrors gradually blurred into a wide field of dark with each pirouette. Each great jeté.

He steeled his fingers around the cool metal, utilizing the influence to move his standing leg so it upheld him completely on his pointed toes. His other leg raising gradually with him, twisting into a high disposition so his thigh was corresponding with the side of his hip and his knee bowes.

He didn't know how many positions he tells himself. From fondu , piqué, the positions run over his ears and into the mirror.

His other hand leaves the cool metal, shifting aside, as though he were brushing his hair and strained his arms. Straining his toes, let's his heel leave the flat of the ground and feeling like an series of bones had lost it's muscles.

His instructors memoring words shivering his ears over the years when  he inhaled sharply, lips pursing tightly.

Focus, focus, focus, around your point of convergence, don't let your your leg fall under your lower, Always make it look easy.

But Taehyung can't, not this time. Not when he feels the strain of Jeongguk's eyes on him from the other side of the studio.

Not when Hyun's words are still stuck in his mind.

"Your posture suck"

Taehyung dares to turn his gaze. But the moment their eyes meet he regrets it. Because now he can't look away, he can never look away.

He lets himself get lost and he can't do anything, because Jeongguk's gaze always makes him forget. Jeongguk always make him forget that it's not okay, nothing is okay.

Why does he always make him feel so warm.

Taehyung squints his eyes playfully in mock offense, looks to the side and makes direct eye contact with Jeongguk. "Unlike boxing, ballet isn't easy"

Jeongguk leans against the ropes of the boxing ring, in all his broad-shouldered glory. Dressed in just his grey sweatpants and a simple black t-shirt. The wide planes of his arms, covered with intricate swirls of tattoos.

The dark of his hair that falls to his eyebrows is a stark contrast to the paleness of his skin, free of any blemish. Taehyung isn't supposed to do this, not after Hyun. He knows he shouldn't, but when he stares at Jeongguk, with his pink lips and warm cheeks, he can't help but stopping the beam that stretches them.

Jeongguk smirks knowingly; a seductive curl of his lips that's both arrogant and addicting. "You think boxing is easy?"

Taehyung smiles with fraudulent sweetness, he can't stop it. But behind those cherry lips the teasing makes Jeongguk's eyes grow even darker "After watching you, I'm pretty sure it is"

Taehyung is aware his lying, because Jeongguk proved him wrong to many times.

Jeongguk regards him with faint surprise at the sudden comment, eyebrow slightly raised. And Taehyung feels himself blushing the slightest, Jeongguk is always able to makes him like this."Come up here then"

Taehyung blinks in disbelief. "What?"

"Scared that I will beat the shit out of you?" Jeongguk smirks, watches Taehyung with those same eyes.

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