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The Sun gently tickled her skin as she sat on the small balcony. Naya took a deep breath and folded her fingers together. Her lips formed some foreign words while she meditated. She felt the light wind breeze playing with her hair and savored every minute of peace.

It had been a long time since she had the time to devote her soul to nature and her faith.It felt wrong to meditate at Trantor, between all the concrete and dirt. But here in Maiden the young woman finally felt the connection to Mother Nature again. Her inner self seemed to be able to find peace again after a long time.

Naya took a deep breath again, bowed her head slightly and opened her eyes. She leaned against the wall with a small smile on her face. But the silence did not last long. Someone knocked at her door and she sighed deeply.

"Yes?" She stood up and straigthened her clothes. After a few seconds the door went open and the intimidating figure of the Empire stood in the door frame. "Empire." Muttered she and bowed fastly. "Analyst." He said in a distant tone. "What is the matter of your visit, Empire?" It was hard for Naya to hide her curiosity. "The interment of the Proxima will start in a few hours. You should do your job instead of hiding in your bedroom." Commented the man and turned around to leave.

"If you want me to do a good job, you have to respect that I need time to clear my mind." She frowned and looked at the Emperor who turned around slowly. She expected to see anger, annoyance, or disapproval in his deep eyes.

"How?" Asked he.

"What?" Confusion in her eyes. An expression that almost put a smile on the Emperors face.

"How do you clear your mind, Naya?" Asked he and now bafflement was the most outstanding expression in her brown eyes. "Why do you want to know this?" The words slipped faster over her lips than she could think.

"Curiosity." A smirk, quicker than the blink of an eye, played over Day's lips. Naya felt her body calming down and she replied with a small smile on her face. "I meditate, Emperor." Was her explanation and the tall Man nodded understanding. "Does it work?" He asked and opened the door, gesturing her to leave the room. "Somedays yes, somedays no." She followed his silent command and left the bedroom. His presence behind her, gave Naya a strange feeling spreading in her stomach.

She tried to ignore it and waited for him to walk next to her. "Maybe you could teach me how." She felt his gaze on her face and her heart almost explode in fear. "Teach you something?" Whispered Naya in disbelieve, with wide eyes. Did she hear it right? The big, great Empire,
who was the ruler of the Universe, who knew everything was asking her to teach him something?

Was he mocking her? Testing her? Was he waiting for her to make a mistake?

"Well I am never too old to learn something new, am I?" It was a harmless question and if it hadn't been asked by the most powerful man in the universe, Naya would have smiled and nodded in agreement.

"I do not think you need help from someone like me." Cautiously she looked up at Day. "Someone like you?" Asked he and raised a brow. "I am just a random analyst. I do not have some special qualifications or something. I am not in the position to teach you..." She exhaled.

"And who says that?" Brother Day stopped in his motion and looked down to the smaller woman infront of him. She reminded him of a frightened deer, with her big brown eyes and the long lashes. "Uhm..." She tried to find the right answer but she couldn't.

He made her speechless again. Everytime he did things that suprised her, that she would not expect frome someone like him. From a soulless being, from a clone.

But what if he was not soulless? What if everyone was wrong with the assumption that Cleon did not own a soul?


(A/N) Found the motivation to write a new chapter heyaaa and it's definitely been too long since I've written something in English - sooo I'm out of practice, sorry for any mistakes in this chapter guyysss <3

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