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Lies. So many lies.

„Saldon was wrong, Emperor." The man was sweating, panicking. He knew, that Brother Day didn't believe him. Fear ran through every vein in his body.

„Stop it."
Two simple, calm words but the Analyst knew - this was the calm before the storm. And he was right.


Naya couldn't suppress her grin after hearing that Trivole passed out, while the Emperor was shouting at him and the other Statisticians. She hated this man with a passion. He was lazy, stubborn and his whole career was based on other people. He never achieved something on his own, he just knew how to made it look like he did.

Suddenly the door opened and Naya flinched. "Deena?" She looked irritated at the young woman in front of her. "The.. the Emperor!" Her friend leaned against the wall behind her. Gasping for breath she continued: "He wants an Analyst in the Palace. He... - he lost his trust in the Statisticans! Mr. Birman said, he wants to sent you. I'm sorry Naya. I tried to convince him... I - I really tried." With tears in her eyes, Deena looked at her friend.

"It's okay D. I'll be fine. Mr. Birma wouldn't have asked for me, if I couldn't handle it. Right?" With a small smile on her lips, Naya petted the arm of the upset Woman.

"But still! What if they find out..." The blackhaired girl stopped her friend by putting a finger on her mouth. "They won't." She answered calming and Deena closes her eyes. "How is it possible, that you're so relaxed?" With questioning eyes she looked at her friend again. "I'm not. Really. But driving myself crazy, doesn't help me either." She stood up sighing and went to her small bedroom.

"How much time do I have left?" Her asking voice seemed unusal loud in the quiet room. "They're coming tomorrow." Deena muttered and closed her watery eyes.


Tomorrow came faster then expected.
It was five o'clock in the morning, when Naya woke up from some knocking. She rubbed her eyes tiredly, before going to the door and opening it.

Soldiers. What a heartwarming thing to see in the morning.

With surprised eyes she stared at the masked men. "You guys are way to early." She grumbeled then. " Good morning, Professor Asaaki. You're delayed to follow us to the palace of the emperor. As you've already heard, he needs an analyst and Doctor Birma said, you're the right person for this kind of job."Explained a soldier, ignoring her words completly and Naya nodded. "Yes, I am. Is it okay if I put some of my stuff together?" She asked then and now it was the Soldier who nodded. „Ten minutes." Was his short answer and Naya shrugged. She didn't had a lot of things to pack anyway.

It was so quiet in the transport ship, that Naya thought she could hear her own, way to fast heartbeat. Even if she tried to ignore it, her nervousness growed bigger every second. She had heard a lot about Brother Day. That he was an intelligent, moody but charming man. Something, that made him incredible dangeous.

The clones of Cleon the first were breed to be a perfect ruler. Wary, strategic and smart. If someone could see through Nayas lies, it would be Brother Day and that scared her.

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