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Maiden was a planet that consisted mostly of desert and sand. No sign of nature, flowers or trees. Just the merciless sun, which could burn the skin easily. Naya knew from Carcis, how she had to dress, so the sun couldn't burn her sensitive, pale skin.

The analyst saw from the corner of her eye how Brother Day and Demerzel were discussing about something. His tall, intimidating figure towering over the woman, who wasn't short either.

Naya wondered where the blonde woman was during the jump. She thought the ship had only one jumping room? And it was not a secret, that an humans mind couldn't take a jump without breaking.

She sighed and decided to take a step out of the ship. The sun robbed her sight for a few seconds - until she was used to the bright light. She heard footsteps and glanced behind her. The Emperor looked down at her. His eyes had the same cold look as always.

"I want you next to my side. If you notice something weird or suspicious tell me." He said in a frigid tone. " "Yes Emperor." Answered Naya and avoided his gaze. "Good." Then he stepped forward and headed to the entrance of the palace. A woman came towards them.

"Tripple Blessings, Empire." She bowed her head i a dramatic way. „We are very pleased, to meet you." She added and glanced carefully to the tall man. He gave her a small nod and the woman ended her bowing. "My Name is Zephyr Halima. Welcome on Maiden." A light smile appeared on her face. "Thank you. I hope we can solve the differences." He stated. "I hope so too. Long live the empire." Murmured the woman and gave a sign, to follow her.

"This is our beautiful palast. Here do we live and study most of the time." A proud look on her face. „May I ask, how old this place is?" Asked Naya carefully and ignored Brother Days surprised look on her. Halimas eyes widened a little bit, before she answered. "Our religion is over fifteen years old. " Naya silently nodded and decided, that it would be better to do her work, instead of asking questions.

"What do you think about this place and about the people?" Were the first words Day directed towards Naya. "You're being observed, Emperor. The other one, Zephyr Halima, is definitely testing you." The analyst said and the Emperor rolled his eyes. "Well, those things I could made up myself." "If you want a whole personality analysis, you should wait a few days. You can't expect me to tell you every dark secret, Halima hides after two hours." She barely could hide her annoyance and she noticed, how a cold mask laid on Brother Days face. „Don't forget who I am, Naya." He said warningly.

Naye froze in her movements and cursed herself for her uncautious behaviour. He was the goddamn Empire! And not just some random man she met on the street.
If he wanted, he could execute her right now and no one would hestitate. The power this man hold, was frightening and she started to understand, why some people wanted to take his throne.

Brother Day noticed, how the woman next to him went silent and he couldn't tell why but he disliked it. On the one hand, he didn't want her to talk to him like that but on the other hand, he liked her unfiltered way. The way she didn't flinch when he gave her one of his famous cold looks. How she stood up for her opinion and her own mind. But infront of others, it could seem like this woman held some power over him. Him, the Emperor.

In a way she did but he would never accept this fact.

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