Chapter 26

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A couple weeks later and Nate had basically made a full recovery . I honestly thought he'd need facial reconstruction but I guess Fezco didn't hit him hard enough.

"Yeah and then he was like boom! POW! POW !" Rue describes the fight once again as if we weren't all there to witness it.

We sat at the lunch table as the cafeteria didn't feel the same. Everyone had heard about the fight and Nate still hadn't shown up to school this week. Since the fight broke out I'd checked up on Nate a few times. He even sent me this long paragraph about how he was thankful for me helping him out through all of this.

Cassie walked up to the table sitting diagonally from me and the table went silent.

"So why haven't you been sitting with us lately? Did we do something?" Jules asks her.

"No I've just been dealing with a lot you guys."she replies as she stuffs her face full of mac and cheese.

Word had also gotten around from Mkay that he officially called things off with Cassie. I think it was for the best. Mkay was in college and they had been doing the long distance thing. Whatever was said at the party between the two didn't end nicely so I'm guessing that's when he broke up with her.

I think we'd had enough of the party scene at least for now. Besides, prom was cutting close and I still hadn't picked out a dress. I needed to save up some money instead of blowing it all on gas to go to some dumb party. For the most part we had all decided to go to prom as a group , we were going to be each other's date. We had all decided to meet up at Lexi and Cassies place after school to figure out what we'd wear to prom.

Once school ended I walked through the parking lot to my car, in the distance I peeped Nate sitting in his car. Why was he not at school at all today but yet he was here in the parking lot? I get into my car and head to the Fezco's corner store to pick up some snacks for me and the girls .Once I stepped in I was greeted by Fez's little brother , Ash Tray. Fezco used to tell me his name was Ash Tray because when he was a baby he got caught eating cigarette buds from an ash tray. I still find that hilarious.

"Whatcha here for Y/N?" Ash says as he counts the stack of money in his hands .

" picking up a couple of snacks. Where's Fez? Is he good? I haven't heard from him since everything went down."

"Yeah he good , speaking of the devil." Ash says as he nods his head in Fezco's direction.

"Hey!" I say as I throw my arms around Fez.

Hugging me back he replies ," yo you good? I'm sorry if what I did upset you. But ya little boyfriend had been asking for it. He kept trying me Y/N."

"I'm not mad at you Fez and he's not my boyfriend ."

"Good. And you ain't need that muthafucka anyway . He's a pussy. Ya snacks is on me."

"Hell no! She gotta pay like everybody else man!" Ash spats.

"Come on man you know this little sis."

Ash huffs and goes about his business.

"Thanks fez."

"No problem."

I make it to Lexi and Cassie's and all the girls are already there. Suze greets me at the door with a glass of wine in her hand, her breath smelt of cheap wine.

"How are you Y/N? How's your momma? Is she doing good?"

"Yes Mrs. Howard. She's doing well." I reply as I make my way in.

I head upstairs to the girls room and they are all sitting around laughing. Kat was in her phone doing who knows what, Cassie was on her bed being quiet . Rue ,Jules , and Lexi were all playing Uno. I hold the snacks in the air as they all cheer before grabbing the bags of junk food from me. I join the girls as we begin brain storming ideas for prom. Lexi was head of the prom committee so she already knew what the theme would be. Hollywood.

As we begin throwing out ideas my phone gets a text message. It was Bryson.

Hey. Haven't heard from you in a bit.
Just wanted to tap in. Hope you're doing well.

I replied and told him I was doing fine. I honestly didn't know how to move on from the situation that happened that night. I kinda left him high and dry for Nate. Word got around to Bryson that Nate was my ex so it looked bad on me to run to my ex's aid. Besides, I wasn't looking for anything serious.

As I was about to set my phone down I got another text, this time from Nate.

Hey. Where are you?

At Cassie and Lexi's. What's up?
Y/N 6:54pm

Oh. Never mind....

Y/N 6:55pm

Who was that guy you were with that night?🤔

Why does it matter Nate?
Y/N 6:57pm

Just asking....
Nate💔 6:57pm

I just left him on read. We had been broken up for going on two months and he was still worried about me for what?

"Ugh Nate can be such an ass sometimes! He texted me and asked me about the guy I was with the night of the party! You don't see me asking me about the hickies and lipstick on his neck!" I spat out throwing my phone to the floor.

"Why is he still texting you?" Jules ask.

"I don't know. He's been texting me since he was in the hospital, saying things like I'm so thankful for you. You were right by my side when everything happened. I love you, blah blah blah! I'm over it!"

Cassie just stared at me as her face began to turn red.

"Yeah that's so not cool."Kat says as she throws her spiked lemonade down her throat."

Out the corner of my eye I could see Cassie's fingers glide across her phones keyboard. The room was silent as her finger taps filled the room.

"Hey so what about this dress here? You'd look cute in this Rue!" Jules says as she points the burgundy sparkly dress out in a catalog.

"You know dresses aren't my thing , I can't remember the last time I wore a fucking dress."

"Come on rue it'll be fun! I can do your hair and your makeup!" Jules says as she plants a kiss on Rues cheek.

"You can do my makeup thats it. I'm not wearing a fucking dress Jules."

"Alright fine. Let's find you a nice pants suit then."Jules says as she rolls her eyes .

We continue searching for the perfect dress until we all made up our minds. Once we decided, I made my way back home.

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