Chapter One

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Just then, the Monokubs appear out of nowhere, startling both of us. "Hi! We are the Monokubs!" They yelled out. "Ahhh!!! Talking teddy bears!", she screamed beside me. 'Ugh! This is getting annoying.' I huffed in annoyance. The Monokubs started to argue with each other, forgetting the important simple task they have to do. Kaede stared at them, her eyes glimmered in awe and curiosity while I tried my best to calm the boiling anger that had risen slowly in every second.


The Monokubs stopped arguing and all eyes were on me. I fake my nervousness and pull down my hat once more to hide my face. As Kaede looked away for a second, I use that opportunity to send a glare to the Monokubs. 'Do your job or I'll dismember all of your body parts '

I think they got the message behind my glare. Look at them tremble like a leaf! Too bad Monodam didn't seem to faze. "A-anyways! Please gather at the gym. The headmaster has an announcement!", the half-pink and half-white bear said. "So long! Bear well!!" And the Monokubs are gone.

I sighed in relief. I don't know why they create more Monokuma rip-offs in the show. They are just nuisances in the show. "Well... That's something. How about we explore this school? Hopefully, we can find an exit.", exclaimed Kaede as she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the classroom.

"Umm... Do you know where we going, Akamatsu-San?" I questioned the bubbly girl. "Duh!... Well... Maybe?", she muttered, laughing nervously at the end. I mentally facepalm myself. 'Why am I stuck with this stupid, overly positive girl? I should've picked the other classroom.'  I decided to be 'nice' and help her. "A- Akamatsu-San... I think the gym is there" I pointed at the big wooden door. Kaede raised an eyebrow at me. "And what makes you think that?"

"Because there is a sign on the door that said 'gymnasium', Akamatsu," I said bluntly. She blinked a few times before scratching the back of her head. "O-oh..." A soft blush appeared on her cheeks. 'Dumbass...'

We walk into the room, immediately all eyes are on us. "That makes 16 of us.", the boy with green hair said to the others. I glanced around the group of students until my eyes lay on a boy with purple hair that defies gravity. Unfortunately, I can't see his face as he was facing away from me. As I walked towards the mysterious boy, Monokuma appeared on the stage with his little pieces of shit.

They told the students about them being trapped in an abandoned school and forced to play a killing game. I sneakily looked at everyone's expression as they were told about the news. Some were shocked, some were scared and others looked annoyed, they didn't believe it. My eyes landed on the purple-haired boy earlier.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see his face clearly because the Ultimate Astronaut blocked it. I averted my attention back to Monokuma who started to tell all the rules of the killing game. 'Ugh! This is so boring!' I thought to myself. 

Finally, Monokuma says his goodbyes and disappears, along with his children. "Hey, Saihara! Let's introduce ourselves to others" Kaede dragged me away before I could even have the chance to speak. 'She keeps dragging me like a f*cking rag doll.' I keep my facade on to not make myself suspicious. I hate being a timid, shy detective but this is the role I was assigned and I have to do it if I want this season to be successful.

"Hey, guys! I'm Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist!", she introduced herself to a magenta-haired boy and a brown-haired girl. The boy smiled and shook Kaede's hand. "Nice to meet you, Akamatsu. My name is Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Star!", he said, grinning happily.

Kaede averted her attention to the brown-haired girl with red eyes, as if she was waiting for the girl to introduce herself to her. The girl noticed the stare and sighed. "Maki Harukawa. I'm the Ultimate... Caregiver." I raised my eyebrows. From the tone of her voice and the delayed sentence, I could tell she was lying about her ultimate. Kaede noticed it too but shrugged it off. Even an idiot could detect such an obvious lie like that. But apparently, Kaito is a whole new level of idiot...

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