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"Oh so your awake" aspen said walking over to the side of my bed. He sat down, I was most definitely in his tent. Maybe even his sisters bed. I was still silent shocked by the accident.
"My sister went home early, so she remade the bed for you, different sheets and blankets" he said with a pittied look on his face.
"Thanks" I said looking around his tent.
"No worries, someone had to take you in" he said semi smiling.
"And also thanks for saving me" I said. It was very cringing and now I heard it.
"Oh that wasn't me, that was max" he said his eyes searching my eyes. I knew that now, max and his strong muscles beat up the random guy not even knowing it was me but knowing it was a random girl. Max was very herodic like that, he will always put his girl first which is why I think rose is an amazing idiot for ditching him. Thinking about it, it was certainly him, I could see him grabbing the door and smashing his nose in and than grabbing me and bringing me out.
"What was he doing out?" I asked.
"He was going to go home, but he saw you and he had to bring you here and than ring the police. When he was here, he decided to stay." He said.
"But how about you, you going good" he continued his face turning to a sigh.
"I'm fine I was just surprised, and physically my leg hurts." I said putting my hand over the blanket.
"Can I have a look" he said. I liked it how he always asked.
"You can" I said looking at him with a thankful look. He pulled up the end of my blanket revealing my bruised and battered leg. He saw it and semi gasped, he slowly lowered his hands towards it and his cold hands met my skin. My legs were shaved and pretty clean but I still didn't like it. He looked at me and his exspression was concerned.
"Your quite the one for injury's" he said chuckling a bit.
"What can I say" I replied forcing myself to laugh a bit with these words. His hands was slow but he pressed on a different part of my leg asking me if it hurt. Most of my replies was very straight forward and a simple "a bit". He was asking me questions through the whole time and I answered them. I could tell he was being cautious with what he said making sure he wasn't offending me.
"Okay well believe that, you may have a stress fracture, meaning it should heal in a few weeks but in the mean time you should put a bandage on it. I can do that if you want" he said his voice calm.
"That would be good" I replied trying my hardest not to be so awkward. He rattled through one of his draws and pulled out a white wrap of bandage.
"You always keep that on you?" I asked confused.
"You know it" he replied very proud. He walked over to my bed and knelt beside it. He grabbed my foot gently and started to bandage it around slowly. It wasn't long before he finished up and finished it all wrapping the bottom into the cast.
"Thanks" I said a bit shyly.
"Anytime" he said placing his hand on top of mine. It was Thursday around lunch time, and I had to get him with me by Saturday night. I had too so I can make Brock jealous so that he would like me again.
I was most definitely blushing, and I looked over at him and he was smiling his eyes off.
"Hey are you free tomorrow night" he said. I glanced around the room and than back at aspen, this was great. I could easily do this anyday.
"Yes why?" I asked curious and in a playful tone.
"Okay well meet me on the oval at 9:00" he said and with that he told me I had to rest and walked out. About two hours later aspen helped me home, and he soon tucked me into my bed. Only Thea came to visit me and asked me a few questions, I could tell she was very scared about it all, even just being kidnapped and taken. Rose stopped in the tent and grabbed her jacket. She said a quick hey and left again probably to see Nathaniel. Max came inside and looked at me intensely.
"Thank you so much" I said nearly bursting into tears. He rushed over to my bed quickly and wrapped his arms around me.
"My pleasure" he said loosening his grip.
"Are you okay and all, that must have been traumatic" he asked concern filling his face.
"Oh yes I'm getting by" I said. His eyes were so angel like and I could see his muscles rippling from his shirt. Tye came in and said a quick hello and how you doing before max and him both walked out. I went outside the tent in the late afternoon but I will still recovering mentally and physically. I went to the night meeting and to my surprise Nathaniel and rose were attending. They were chatting between themselves, aspen was next to me and pearl on the other side who had her hand in miles lap. I looked over at rose and Nathaniel and they seemed to be bickering a bit. In the middle of the sermon I nearly jumped as I heard a scream.
"No! I will not" rose said raising. I was sure the whole tent could hear them now.
"Why not" Nathaniel said embarrassed.
" I can't!" Rose screamed. The pastor stopped talking and rose barged out of the room. Max's face turned to pure sadness. Like he was sad for rose. The night meeting flew by and soon enough it was the next day. As thought that flew by aswell. I was looking forward to tonight, Friday night! The night meeting was gone in a flash and soon enough found myself walking towards the oval.

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