You Make Me Glow

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    Yunlan woke up early and become the apprentice of Mr. Shen whose already  retired  in his job.

   First he teach him to fried some eggs and bacon. "While cooking think of that special person you will give this food!" Mr. Shen said. Yunlan became red thinking of Shen Wei.  He still want that surprise and bonus his been telling him.

   But  seeing Shen Wei  satisfied face upon him making him act like a good mate for him. And almost got a heart attack everytime Shen Wei  smile at him.

   The said person was panicking a little  because Yunlan is not beside him. And quickly go downstairs just to see a beautiful  sight. His wife is cooking for him and wearing a cute apron that said, "I'm only yours!" He didn't  know his gazing at him intensely.  His father cough to break his attention from him.

   Yunlan was startled and slipped  almost dropping off the food  on the plate. Shen Wei  quickly caught him as well the food.  "Xiao Wei?! Your awake?! I want to surpriseyou!" Yunlan went red as he realize their in an akward position and his father in law was watching them. He quickly get up and took the  plate from him.

   And place at the table, "You're  breakfast is ready!" Yunlan's  cheek was so red that Shen Wei  notice it. He smile and sit quickly to taste the food he cook. Yunlan was waiting for his approval if his cooking is fine now.

   Shen Wei  was shocked from the taste and accidentally  cough. "Why there's  so many salt in it....." He almost can't  speak. Yunlan quickly gave him water while Mr. Shen taste it and puke. "Yunlan! Why do put many salt in it?!" Yunlan apologize,  "You told me to think of  that special person? What he means to me?!" In reality Yunlan was daydreaming of Shen Wei  that he didn't  notice he poured almost half of the bottle of salt on the food looking like a pile of white, crystal thing.

   Shen Wei  on the other hand was blinded of  Yunlan cooking in the kitchen and didn't notice what he is eating......the salt. Yunlan quickly took the food and throw it at the trash can. Making Shen Wei  scratch his nape as he felt guilty on what  he have done.

   "Sorry! I will cook again for you!" Said Yunlan. Shen Wei  want to stop him but his father shake his head. Not to do it and let Yunlan cook for him again.

    Yunlan cooking is like a dream come true to Shen Wei  having his omega cook for him like a good wife unlike his mother. "At least his trying to please you?" Said his father with  a smile.

   In an hour when Shen Wei  came to his office with a smile plastered  on his face and everything  is so beautiful and sparkling to him. "Good morning!" Everyone who pass by thinking there commander is acting wierd. Like a school boy whose almost jumping for joy. Making Chu arch his brow as his intrigue, "You look like you won a lottery or something?" Shen Wei  open his bag revealing a lunch box. "NO!!!" Shout Chu. As his eyes widen and  pointed to the dreadful lunch box.

   "Did Yunlan made that?!!!" And back away. Shen Wei  frown, "Some friend you are?!  My wife also made a lunch box for you!" And about to take it out.  Chu got paler, "No thanks!" And run fast, away from the lunch box. But Shen Wei  caught him quickly. "Even you're my  best will eat my wife's cooking weather you like it or not!" Chu cried, "Have mercy on me......"

    Suddenly  Chief Commander Zhuiji  came, "What's  going on you two?!" Shen Wei's  eyes sparkle,  "Sir!" As he dropped  Chu, "Taste my wife's  cooking!" Chief Commander Zhuiji  smirk, "Why not?! I want to taste if his a good cook or my daughter  still the best!" He told to himself. When his about to taste it. "NO.......SIR!!!" Shout Chu. But it's  too late.

    Meanwhile  Mr. Shen teaching Yunlan what to buy in the grocery wet market section. When they bumped into the ex wife, Weishi with her younger son, Yezun.

    Yunlan was about to bow respectfully  to her when she venomous said. "I heard you almost burn you're school! How disgrace!" Mr. Shen didn't  like her word  and quickly change the subject. "Well I see you're new husband didn't  accompany you? Is his job more important  to you?" He smirk.

    Weishi frown, this is the first time his ex husband mock him. "You know his a busy man! Not like the someone I knew?" Yezun on the other hand intensely  gaze at Yunlan. "Gege is so lucky to have a cute wife like you!" Weishi was surprised  as well Mr. Shen. "Thank you!" Yunlan smile at him. But Yezun look at him seductively.

   But Weishi frown, "Let's  go Yezun!" And pulled his son away from Yunlan. But Yezun's eyes never left Yunlan. Like his stripping him  off his clothes. Making Yunlan felt uncomfortable.  "Yunlan! Let's  go!" As Mr. Shen notice it.

    "Don't  let Yezun bother you! He always like that to other omega! His in the stage of finding his right mate. If you know what I mean?" Yunlan laugh a little  to lighten the intense mood. "He reminds of a juvenile  alpha in his teens!" Mr. Shen suddenly  remembered.  "Shen Wei  hate his didi because  his father  is the reason why his mother betray not only me but him as well. He tried to please his mother im many ways! But that cold woman is not satisfied and replaced me with my own rich colleagues!"

  Back to the office of Shen Wei  an ambulance came, "Call my doctor! Call my lawyer! I think I'm gonna die!" Chief Commander  Zhuiji said while his being place inside the ambulance. Many of the soldiers employee murmerd  on what happened. 

   Chu apologize  non stop to Chief Commander Zhuiji while he glared at his friend Shen Wei.  "What have happened? Did an enemy attack us?!" One of soldiers said. "I think there's  a spy and they targeted  Chief Commander  Zhuiji! Poor him!" One of the passerby said.

   Shen Wei  sweat, "And taste the lunch box that Yunlan made, "It taste good! Then why Chief Commander Zhuiji got poison?" Chu took the other lunch box that Chief Commander Zhuiji  ate and taste it. He puke, "Look Wei! I'm you're best friend! Can I be honest to you! Don't  let Yunlan cook anymore food! It taste dishsoap!" Shen Wei  look puzzled to him. "Why that happened?!"


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