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PENNELOPE AND Rosalie sat on the couch eating Chinese. They'd been binge watching Desperate Housemaids for the entire weekend, and Rosalie felt as though her eyes would fall out. She looked at Pennelope, and knew that it was time to tell her that she wanted to stay elsewhere. Her welcome was extended for far too long.

"Pen, I'm planning to meet my mum in Hawaii in a few days," Rosalie lied. She didn't know how to tell her friend that she wanted to leave, "so, I'll be out of your hair soon."

A lot had been on her mind, as of recent. And she was taking a break from work. She'd still be her creative self, but just as a hobby, for the time being. It wasn't as though people relied on her to attend events and host charities—perks of being a secret artist. Rosalie knew that if she'd reveal herself that her publicity would triple, but she just couldn't bring herself to receive all the unwanted attention. As much as it would boost her career, it would tamper with her lifestyle, and she loved her life just the way it was. But did she really? She'd been avoiding all human contact except Pennelope's for the past week and a half. She still hadn't finalized her breakup with Alex, and was ignoring her feelings for Beth. She'd even found herself having mixed feelings for Zoe, as strange as it was. Zoe, of all people, was off limits. She wasn't only married, but also pregnant. Rosalie couldn't have feelings for a married, pregnant woman, even if that woman once occupied the entirety of her heart.

Rosalie didn't realize that she'd fallen asleep with an oyster pail of spring rolls still in her hands, which had scattered onto her lap and stomach. Pennelope chuckled, as she cleaned Rosalie up while she was still asleep.

When Rosalie finally woke up, Pennelope had already left for work. She took a shower, and changed into comfortable clothing—shorts, t-shirt and timberland boots. Grabbing her purse, and taking out her keys, she headed out of the apartment building, and towards her car in the parking lot.

She drove to the restaurant, knowing that it was time for her and Alex to have a serious talk. She'd avoided it long enough, and couldn't go another day feeling like a coward.

When Alex spotted Rosalie approaching the bar, she rushed out of the kitchen, and slipped her way behind the counter, making Pennelope have to step aside, "sweetheart..."

"We should talk," Rosalie said, as she moved towards the back of the restaurant, and Alex followed behind. Pennelope looked at the two with uninterested eyes, though she was more than interested for their breakup to be set in stone—her friend deserved better.

Rosalie placed her hand in Alex's with a tight smile. At first, Alex perceived it to be a gesture of intimacy, but then she felt an object—the ring. She inhaled deeply, as Rosalie slipped her hand away, the ring being left in Alex's hand. Alex closed her hand around it—forming a fist, "are you sure? We can..."

"I'm sure," Rosalie stuffed her hands into her back pockets, and stepped backward. She'd thought long and hard about the decision, which made her certain that it was the right thing to do, not only for herself, but for Alex as well.

"Don't you love me anymore?" Alex's eyes welled with tears. She knew that breaking up was probably their relationship's outcome, but for it to be finalized tore her in ways that she couldn't describe.

"I'm sorry, Alex. But as I said, love isn't always enough. It's time to move on," Rosalie could feel her own heart hurting. As much as she'd like to deny her feelings, Alex still occupied a gigantic piece of her heart. But gradually, that piece was becoming smaller and smaller, which made Rosalie know that she needed time to heal. She couldn't step into another relationship just yet—for a while. As much as she'd love to feel Beth's lips against hers again, she knew that it wasn't possible for a relationship to ever work for them. Not when there were so many things complicating everything.

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