Doctor's orders (Higuchi x Yosano)

Start from the beginning

"I want some silence, just for one day," Yosano said in a hushed voice.

By now, the woman laying on the bed had gave up and was now just laying there silently.

"And now, silence."

Yosano's phone rang again. She groaned in frustration and looked to see who it was. This time it was Ranpo.

She reluctantly answered.


"Hey Yosano. Kunikida's trying to eat his way through the door, could you maybe open it?"

"Not a chance. There's a situation right now, and we need quiet for once."

"Ah, I see. Well, I wish you luck with that."

"And try to stop Kunikida from eating the door with his anger-induced shark teeth."

"Sure. Bye."


With the phone call over with, Yosano sat back at her desk and sighed with relief. It was finally quiet.

Until she heard the bed squeak before even a moment had passed.

She opened her right eye to see what it was, not wanting to leave her relaxed state.

The woman had gotten out of the bed and had tried to sneak away.

"Am I gonna have to tie you down?" Yosano asked, sighing deeply.

The woman sighed as well and crawled back into the bed with Yosano's help.

"So, can you stay put? Or does a new dog need new tricks?" Yosano asked.

The woman stayed silent, pouting on the bed in her own misery.

Yosano went back to her relaxed state, sighing as she finally settled into the quiet. Or at least it was quiet for a moment.

Out of the blue, a bird started chirping loudly outside, and while this normally would've soothed Yosano, today it only got on her nerves.

She got up, stormed to the window and opened it, and grabbed the bird. Then, she threw it into the air as far as she could make it go and slammed the window.

"Must be hard to get it quiet around here, huh?" A voice asked.

Yosano turned around to see Dazai standing there.

"Get out."

"Aw, why? Does Yosano not want me here?" He asked mockingly.

Yosano roared and punched him across the face so hard it turned his cheek pinker than an uncooked chicken.

"Alright. I'm going," he said, waving it off as though it hadn't ever occured.

He walked back outside and left her alone- other than the wounded blonde.

"So just to be clear, your name is Higuchi, right?" Yosano asked.

The woman nodded slightly and drank some water from the glass on the bedside table.

Yosano sat back down in her chair, leaning back and closing her eyes once more. Then, a rock hit the window.

"Motherfucker!!" She yelled in annoyance and anger.

She walked over to the window and looked down. Kenji was looking up and holding a bag of corn, trying to yell something at her.

It didn't take much thinking on her part to realize he wanted his bull fed.

She walked downstairs and opened the door, standing in the way of anyone who would try to walk inside.

"I'll do this and then I swear to the heavens above that if another thing disturbs my quiet I'll steal Dazai's hobby!" She yelled at them.

After feeding the bull, Yosano checked that the door was locked and then went back to the room.

"What are you doing now, Higuchi?" Yosano asked upon entering the room.

"Trying to leave again," she admitted, heading back to the bed and plopping down.

"Stay. You'll only open your wound up again by doing things such as leaving, or maybe even breathing by now."

Yosano collapsed into the chair, admitting that she thought the only way she'd ever get what she wanted was by slicing her throat open.

"Men are... difficult sometimes," Higuchi stated.

Yosano nodded, and this time decided to lay down on a cot for patients.

"You think you'll get it this time?" Higuchi asked, looking over.

Yosano laughed and shook her head no.

Higuchi was now laying on her right side, looking directly forward at the doctor who'd saved her life, who was laying on her left side.

Yosano closed her eyes and got comfortable. Higuchi tried to do the same, but it only somewhat worked.

Then, a nearby siren went off in the distance. Yosano took the pillow and shoved it over both of her ears. A helicopter flew nearby, making a lot of noise. Yosano ignored it, but Higuchi could see what was happening.

Higuchi got an idea and tapped Yosano on the shoulder. The doctor opened an eye and looked at Higuchi, who waved a hand as a signal to follow.

Then, Higuchi climbed out of the bed a started hobbling out the door as Yosano followed silently.

Higuchi led her outside and through the streets, as Yosano's many coworkers who'd been sitting outside the building all day scrambled inside to get some work done.

"Where are we heading?" Yosano asked, only to be ignored by Higuchi.

Eventually, the blonde woman stopped in front of a building and pointed at a sign. It read library.

Yosano was slightly confused so Higuchi grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the building and to the very back where green and blue couches sat unattended to.

Then, Yosano realized what Higuchi was trying to tell her. She plopped down on one and closed her eyes, finally being able to relax for the first time in a while.

Higuchi sat down gently beside her and relaxed as well. Yosano whispered over a small thanks and Higuchi nodded, whispering back, "You too."

The two sat there on the couch relaxing for the rest of the day.

Word count: 1500

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