Chapter Three: Altercations

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Rhona had only just taken off her wet clothes and dried herself off when there was a succession of huge bangs on her bedroom door, followed by Lachie's panicked voice. "Rhona??? Rhona, c'moan wee yin open the door! Maw and Da are worried sick!"

"Coming!" she called faintly and quickly threw on her pyjamas from under her pillow. Opening the door gingerly, she felt the full force of her older brother shoving it further and barging into her room. "Lachie!" she protested as he paced her floor running his large hands through his unkempt hair.

"Where did ye go??? Auntie Mary said there wiz a commotion doon at the jetty! By the time a goat there ye were gone!" he looked her up and down, then added "Why are ye aw wet?"

"I'm sorry, I fell in the Loch!" she looked down at the carpet sheepishly.

"Ye WHIT???" Lachie placed his hands on his hips and leaned so far forward he almost toppled over, a look of shock on his face.

"It's okay Lachie..."

"Ye cannae swim shorty, in the name o' the wee man whit wur ye thinkin' goan doon there anyway?"

"Oz rescued me, I'm fine!" Lachie stood up straight and his eyes widened at the mention of that American's name.

"He WHIT???" he shook his head and walked towards the window, leaning on the window ledge with both hands, bent over and breathing heavily, "Ma wee sister nearly droont and HE wiz there tae save ye? No me?" he continued to shake his head.

"Lachie I'm fine, honestly. Please don't!" she tried to sooth him, rubbing his back.

"Rhona, a don't want ye goan near that guy again awright?"

"But Lachie..." she was cut off as her brother stood up straight again and turned to face her, his facial expression twisted with anger.

"Nae buts wee yin! Ye stay away fae him, RIGHT???" her brother's raised voice startled her and she took a step back, gaining her composure she headed to the door and held it open.

"Lachlan, don't tell me what to do! You may be five years older than me but I'm a grown woman now! Oz is a really nice guy who saved my life and rather than condemning him you should be thanking him for still having your wee sister around. If he hadn't been there I wouldn't be here now! Just you think on that Lachie Boyle, now let me get some sleep!" she gestured for him to leave.


"No Lachie, GO!" Lachie hung his head and stomped out of her room as she slammed it behind him. She slid down the wall and hugged her knees, she shivered as her damp hair pressed against her thin pyjama top. Why could he not see what a wonderful person Oz truly was? Why was he so against him?


The next morning, Lachie was manning reception once again when Oz came striding through the foyer with his hands in his pockets and whistling away to himself cheerily. "OI!" Lachie called to him as he stopped and spun around to face him.

"Yes?" he gave Lachie a toothy grin making him growl.

"Whit were ye dayin' doon by the Loch last night?" Oz shrugged and continued to smile, then casually answered him.

"Out for a walk, taking in the beautiful sights of bonnie Scotland. Why?"

"Ye were oglin' ma wee sister is whit ye were dayin', and am no too happy aboot it right?" he stood up and came out of the little cubicle that housed the reception desk and made his way towards him.

"I...well, whoa you seem upset big guy, I get the feeling you don'" as Lachie towered over him menacingly, Oz stood his ground and stared him down.

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