chapter 5: truths

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"Hey you alright there ?" you whispered harshly as you approached the shapeshifter.

Camilo had ran out of the room and currently stood leaning towards the handrail that went through the whole corridor.

Dolores and Antonio had decided that it was best if you went to speak to him since you were good at consoling him in every case.With the current situation,it didn't seem like you were the right fit but you were still willing to try.

"Yeah ..." was all he said.His gaze focused on the commotion downstairs.There was people still preparing for the party tonight.

"Is not very safe for you to be wondering around here" you crossed your arms and leaned on the handrail,a few steps in between you and him.
"Isabela's still looking for you" you sang trying to ease the tension but he paid no attention to your comment, clearly unfazed by the fact that Isabela could probably punch his nose with a vine after what he did.

He didn't say anything. Instead,he awkwardly fiddled with his fingers and occasionally gave you a side glance,which was even obvious from the corner of your eye.

"That was ...nice" he finally said.

You smiled and nodded awkwardly "they will be happy to hear that!"
Antonio and Dolores had been pleased with themselves at the fact that they had managed to make Camilo emotional but you couldn't quite believe it was just because of that.As much as you wanted to credit your play,it had to be something else...

"I'm glad you liked it..." that had probably been the nicest he had been till now, and as sad as it sounded, you were actually impressed and happy by it "It took a pretty long time to rehearse,mainly for Antonio he had to train the animals and you know...stage fright!"

He quieltly giggled and sank his head between his arms,his cheeks slightly pushed up making him look like a chipmunk.

The silence between you two was insufferable.Normally you both knew what to say in any situation making it impossible for moments like this to exist when you hanged out.It was one of the things you liked about Camilo.

"I said pretty mean stuff " he mumbled,it almost inaudible but it was exactly what you had been waiting for.

"You did " you nodded with a numb expression.

"Yeah that wasn't right... "

There was a child running around the main room,he was holding a little flag and was being chased by another child.

"Those good qualities..." he sighed bringing a hand to the back of his neck "no wonder you guys love ...Camilo" his voice was somewhat unimpressed and melancholic,almost robotic.

"Well yeah,we you" the last part was hard to say.It had almost come out as a simple breath.

"Camilo!!" Dolores and Antonio called from inside the room interrupting the scene.They had probably gotten tired of waiting for you and just wanted to speak to their brother as soon as possible.

"Come on" you rolled your head in the direction of the room "you should go speak to them,they are worried about you"

Camilo slowly pressed his hands against the handrails,pushing himself away.It seemed like he wanted to protest ...or say something against it,but he eventually gave in and walked inside the room,leaving you alone in the corridor.

Glad to have helped,you sighed and continued staring at the commotion downstairs.Your eyes were able to spot Pepa because of the small,grey crowd on her head.She was running around,mumbling the same thing with her fists pressed together.

"Camilo!" A small thunder resonated,making everyone in the crowd take a step away from her.

"Mmm so he didn't speak to Pepa?" You frowned with confusion.That was strange.The whole reason he had left in the morning was to speak to his mom and there was no way he would have left her to cause a hurricane.

Suddenly, you noticed Casita's tiles were shaking and rumbling right next to you.
You raised an eyebrow and upon realising they had finally caught your attention, casita specifically shook some tiles,making a pathway to the most ordinary room in the house.

The nursery ...

"You want me to go there ?" Casita quickly moved it's tiles and directed you there with desperation.

"Okay okay!" You said now at the door.A shiver ran down your spine.What was going on? At times like this you wished casita could actually talk.

As you peeked inside the room,you noticed the doors of the wardrobe were opening and closing,opening and closing....

Your hands were shaking and you felt like you were in a horror...was casita purposely doing that?? Or had something taken over it?

Nothing could have prepared you for what you saw as you approached the wardrobe.Inside it,with his whole body lopsided against the wardrobe,he sat unconscious and with his eyebrows gently frowned.

It was ...Camilo!

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