chapter 6 : An imposter

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You shook his shoulder gently but since it wasn't enough to wake him up,you grabbed him and shook his whole body, his head wobbling as if he was a rag doll "oh no please ! Please wake up!" Tears of panic were almost forming in your eyes "wake up!" You collapsed on the floor to take a closer look at him.

Was he dead?? He couldn't be dead! His hair had messily moved to the side revealling a dark bruise over a cut on the side of his head.You gasped the second you spotted it.What had happened??

"Camilo please,you have to wake up!!" You pulled him out of the wardrobe and placed his head on your lap.Careful not to hurt him,you gently patted the side of his face with no injury " wake up!"

" wha-" he quietly mumbled, his eyelids could bearly keep themselves open.

"Oh thank goodness " you sighed in relief and wrapped your arms around his torso.For a second you had believed the worst.

Click ...

The door opened and closed slowly and only to make matters worst,he stood there in the middle,completely perplexed and afraid.

It was the imposter.The other Camilo.
His eyes widen and he brought a hand to his forehead in defeat,probably wishing he could rewind time.

"okay okay look..." he bared his teeth and closed the door behind him with his back.He leaned on it,using his body weight to keep it shut "I'm not a bad guy" he surrender with his palms extended out to you both.

"Huh???" Both you and Camilo glared in astonishment.Your whole face and unable to comprehend what was going on.

"okay maybe...but it doesn't look that bad from a different perspective!" He crossed his arms.

"and what's the other perspective?" You glared with a daring eyebrow.If he had a way of explaining why Camilo had been inside a wardrobe.

The imposter raised his hand with an open mouth but before he could even saying anything,Camilo launched himself towards him like a flying squirrel ready to attack.

The two of them collapsed to the floor,Camilo holding him by the collar.

"I thought I told you to never come back here" he lifted his fist up in the air ready to aim for his face.

"Oh yeah" the other awkwardly laughed. That only made Camilo angrier.He groaned and bared his teeth furiously pinning him to the floor for another punch.

"Wait just...listen to me!" The impostor was dodging most of his punches but he still didn't manage to avoid some of them.

"You knocked me out!" Camilo frowned,not a single sign of mercy on his face.

"You did it yourself!" The impostor was using his legs to separate Camilo from him " and you weren't going to listen to me anyways!"

"Well now I definitely won't !" Camilo resisted and continued aiming for him.His face was becoming redder by the minute.

"Wait no no!" You had to stop them.With all your strength, you dragged Camilo by the arms,doing your best to separate them.

The impostor gave a loud sigh of relief and slowly rose up from the floor,his whole face was now red and he had a sore eye but despite that,the permanent grin on him never left him.

"You better have a good reason" you said standing in the middle to act as a barrier between them.

"Listen..." he shook his whole body as if to remove imaginary dirt and fixed his collar with precaution.His unbotherness really was starting to piss you off. "I was also very shocked to see you but I needed to get that plant!"

Who is Carlos? Camilo madrigal x reader x Carlos Madrigal Where stories live. Discover now