chapter 4: time for the show

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You had completely forgotten about it. Camilo's gift made between you,Dolores and Antonio! You had all decided to make something together apart from your separate gifts.

After a lot of brainstorming the weeks before Camilo's birthday,you figured out the best idea was to make a play for him since Camilo constantly made some for everyone:using his power to interpret different characters.Today was a day when he could watch his own play.

"Let's go!" Excitedly,Dolores grabbed your hand and led you back to casita.Her steps quick but steady whilst you struggle to even walk.

The way there wasn't long but you dreaded the thought of going back there.Where you even willing to do this with the current situation with the shapeshifter ?

"Y/n!" Antonio ran up to you the second you and Dolores stepped through the door,his little hand extended out to you for a handshake.

"Hello little man " you reached out to him and held his hand between yours. He excitedly dragged you upstairs to Camilo's room where you had planned to base the play in. He had the privilege of having a massive theatre in his room which made a fitting place for it to take place in.

"We have everything ready,we just need to rehearse and then it will be done!

"Yeah " you awkwardly laughed trying to match his energy but deep down you didn't feel too delighted to do this.

It was Antonio's pure enthusiasm  that made you continue to help out with the play .The way he trotted around the room, carrying props up and down the stage,a smile on his face the whole time.

To be honest,you had a nice time bringing it to life so it would be a waste not to actually go ahead with it.

"And you will turn the lights on and then you will join the scene " Dolores whispered as you both stared at a piece of paper with all the planning you had done.Messy handwriting everywhere,including a little drawing of a capybara Antonio had made.

"He is here!" Her eyes twitched and you could only assume she had heard Camilo and Antonio approaching.She quickly folded the sheet of paper and shoved it in her pocket.

Both of you run to your located positions with excitement.

Time for the show...

"And your hair colour is different" Antonio's giggle could be heard from behind the stage as they entered the room.

"Is way better than the previous one isn't it ?" Camilo said in a sweet and expressive voice,you sneakily peeked thought the curtains only to see him holding Antonio's hand with a  genuine smile on his face.Despite that,you couldn't help but remember about the incident with the chameleon plushie.The memory of it was like a loop in your were still mad about it.

"Okay pick any seat you want !" Antonio said in between laughs with his hand signalling all of the empty rows of seats.The cushioned seats were of a red colour that clearly stood out in the room.Stage lights were hanging from the ceiling,impossible not to notice.

It was an actual theater.

Camilo was completely stunned by it.He wondered around the room,his hands carefully caressing the seats as he walked down the stairs closer and closer to the stage.After wondering around,he finally picked a seat in the front row.

"Okay okay" Antonio had jumped on the stage and was ready to announce the start of the show "1,2,3...lights!"

That was the sign.You quickly deemed the lights in the room from the  controls backstage as rehearsed .The whole room became darker,a single light focused on Antonio who stood in the middle of the stage.He was trembling despite the fact that Camilo was the only member in the audience.

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