"I don't remember, sorry." Matthew apologised.

Foggy sat down on one of the chairs in front of Yulia and Matt. He placed his beer down on the floor beside him. "She was hot, by the way. But I guess you already knew that, huh?"


The more his friend tried to speak, the more agitated Foggy got. "Just tell me one thing, Matt. Are you even really blind?" He demanded.

Yulia watched the vigilante explain to his best friend his abilities and a part of his past. She didn't believe what she was hearing. Chemicals caused him to go blind and gain super senses when he was nine? Is this how he was able to fight all the criminals? But how did he learn how to fight like that, his dad was a boxer, not some guy who knew martial arts.

Suddenly, Foggy stood up and moved away. "So, you can see." His voice was still raised.

Matt stuttered as he spoke, "That's not-- you're not-- are you even listening to what I'm saying?"

She could feel the anger radiating off Foggy at this point. He had just learned his friend from college had lied to him for years on end. Betrayal ran deep in his veins as he threw his hands around. "Yeah, world on fire. I got it. But you can see, right?"

"Yeah, in a manner of speaking but I--" Matt said as he tried to justify his explanation.

"No! No manner of speaking." He marched over to the man that was half shredded and flipped him off. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

The cut up man looked completely defeated. "One."

The look of shock on Foggy's face made her look away. Instead of hiding the betrayal, it was now displayed on his face for Yulia to see. The two friends deserved privacy and she was just ruining it. Quickly, she stood up and zipped up her jacket. Blonde, fizzy hair moving with her as she walked to the front door.

"Where-- where are you going?" Matt's voice was quiet and broken. Was she just going to leave him?

"You two need to talk." She replied simply like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I'll call later to see if you need anything. Bye."

"Stay..." But his soft plea wasn't heard by anyone but himself.

Her hand found the door handle and twisted it, opening it to reveal the cold air outside. The neighbours' doors looked worn and paint had chipped off. Matt's door didn't look any better. She shoved herself outside and closed the door behind her. Her eyes looked up to the ceiling as she leaned back on the door for support. Sharp breaths entered her lungs as she steadied herself.

New York wasn't permanent, Nelson & Murdock won't be either at this rate. Getting attached wasn't allowed. Soon Dreykov would find her, command the doctors to cut her open and to dissect her brain for answers. The Red Room was an everlasting nightmare that would never leave her. It was better for everyone if she never stuck around.

Natasha didn't stick around and look where she was now, hanging with her fellow avengers and being praised by the public. The famous Black Widow didn't need her younger, blonde sisters. She didn't need anyone to know about her past that she believed was over.

Yulia Daniilovna Volkova didn't need anybody either. Even though Dreykov called her his wolf, it didn't mean she had a pack. She was on her own, she always was and always will be.

One of her sisters had been saved, the other couldn't. Was Yulia saved by the target she had killed or was this just further torture?

Youth and innocence were things that never lasted for her, no matter how loud she had screamed or how much she begged profusely, they were ripped away like tags on a newly bought piece of clothing. Soon, everything else would end up like those tags.

Pain and suffering followed her like a clingy kid. Every mission completed was just more people dead.

Matthew Murdock believed he didn't need anyone. He pushed everyone away, it was inevitable. He had been left all his life. First his mother, then his dad, Stick, Elektra, now Yulia- well that's what he thought- and probably Foggy. Everyone that mattered to him slowly disappeared, leaving him more alone than before.

Sure, the wounds would heal but the scars never did. They might of faded but they still hurt when he thought of them. Every cut and bruise he gained helped with the ache. A reminder that he was helping people and putting good into the world. More pain to cover the pain within. The pain that would dig deeper into his brain as he heard and sensed his fellow New Yorkers' begs for mercy. All they wanted was relief from the evil that thrived on the streets. The rotting decay of morals wafting off them vividly.

He tried. Oh God, he tried to hide from their pleas. So many sirens and whispers floated around him, calling out until he was forced to listen and intervene. You must believe it was never his fault. He just couldn't handle the little girl's whimpers and cries as her father molested her at night. Child Protection services couldn't help her so Matt took it into his own hands.

Blood stained his knuckles with every punch, the cut on his lip stopped hurting every time his fist slammed harder into the man's face. An euphoric feeling rushed through him as he assessed the damage he had inflicted.

If the Devil was truly real, did he just become more like it? Was he a monster now or a hero?

His best friend believed he was wrong, that he was just a rogue man going against the law. Salty tears flowed down his cheeks at every hateful word his business partner spat out furiously.

Peace was never something that would be gifted to him. He had accepted that fact with open arms. Guilt weighed down on his shoulders, it drowned him when he tried to open his mouth to object. This is who he was now and nothing could change that.

But guilt was never something that weighed Yulia down, she refused to let it. The brainwashing had seeped so far into her mind, she now neglected any feeling that could make her weak. Love for her family was the only emotion she knew fully. So she hid it, protected it and didn't let anyone know about it. She couldn't let them destroy the only thing she had left.

Now a slight feeling of regret somehow crept up on her. The battle of Nelson v Murdock had made her feel something and she didn't like it. She shook her shoulders to try to get rid of the unusual feeling.

Julie's house was where she needed to go. Yulia swiftly departed from the door and made her way down the many stairs. Her fingers travelled down her hair to flatten the mess. A hardened look found its way onto her face as she weaved faster through the crowds.

The identity she had taken on had a job, a friend and purpose. She had to keep it that way for at least a little longer before she took off. Until she could find a way to keep the Red Room forever at bay, new identities were just something she had to deal with.

AUTHOR'S NOTE----------

i'm so sorry for the late update. i just got a new laptop so i had to sort through my old one. hopefully i'll get a new chapter out soon but school is still beating my ass. somebody needs to tell my teachers to stop giving me so many fucking homeworks or i will lose it. also, has anyone watched the newest episode of euphoria? lexi and ethan owned that entire episode honestly.

might start multifandom oneshots, would anybody enjoy it or should i just focus on this?

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