I pull away and sit next to my grandmother. She looks very lively and healthy. I can't help but feel a little pain in my chest at the thought that she might not be with me for a long time.

At least I managed to fulfill her wish.

And really!

"Darling, it was a beautiful ceremony!"

"How long did Mommy come in beating drums and singing a song to the goddess?"

grandma laughs.

'Who is still surprised by their mother?' At her wedding to her father, she made everyone drink such a strange drink that I still don't remember what happened afterwards!

— Yeah, it could be worse!

— Attention, where are the bride and groom? It's time for the bride and groom dance! Holly announces from above the small stage, where there's a band. Yes, Holly got to be the wedding singer.

“Go, honey. Go be happy! Grandma kisses my face and I stand up.

And there he is. My handsome husband waiting for me.

He reaches out and leads me to the middle of the floor.

I feel like in a fairy tale when his arms surround me.

"Happy, Mrs Rogers?"

Oh dear, I'm Mrs Rogers!

- Much!

“I've been thinking we didn't plan the honeymoon.

— Ah… will there be a honeymoon? I widen my eyes, anxious.

“That's what newlyweds tend to do.

— And what do you intend?

— I really wanted to say that we could travel now, unfortunately at the moment it is impossible.

“Oh yes, our work! I grimace. It was cooler when I didn't care. Now I find myself agreeing with Steve.

"Anyway, what do you think about traveling to Paris next Valentine's Day?"

“Um… It's not far.

- Like the idea?

- I loved! I stand on tiptoe and kiss him.

—And I love you.

'More than your career?' I raise my eyebrow, unable to help teasing him.

“More than anything.

“Oh Steve, you melt my heart like this!

“That's the intention. He smiles, squeezing me tighter.

— Do you think it will work? Me and you, DBS and all? I ask quietly.

“Just keep a low profile. He blinks.

“Oh, seriously! It's all so perfect, but...

“Natasha, there's no way to know if it's going to work or not. We will always be together, that I can assure you. It suits?

— Promise? Even though I'm a bit crazy? Even though he slashed his tires, poisoned his boss, and…

“I love you in spite of it all, Natasha. Of course I promise.

"And I love you so much I want to lock you in a cellar forever."

“Okay, no need to scare me.

I let out a laugh.

- Just kidding! If I locked you up, I'd stay there with you.

"Only you to make a psychopathic proposal like this and I think it's a good idea!"

"So, Barbara and the shareholders are really cool?"

- They are. I guarantee that from now on there will be no more confusion.

Um, should I tell him about the bets? Best not.

So I just smile and lay my head on his shoulder, enjoying the moment and…

Someone pokes my back, and as I turn, I see Hill holding his cell phone.

“Hey, have you seen this? “She opens Instagram and holy shit! “They're saying it's Steve in those naked pictures and that you own the profile!


Oh shit!

I dare look at Steve and he's pale as paper.

“Natasha Rogers… I think we'd better have a talk.


There goes the promise of discretion.


I touch your chest.

"Remember how you just promised we'd always be together, don't you?"

Steve swears in exasperation and I kiss him, signaling Hill to disappear with evidence of my newest indiscretion.

“What do I do with you, Natasha? Steve finally sighs.

“You can love me forever. Maybe one day I'll stop being crazy.

“I'm a bit of a masochist for saying this, Natasha Rogers, but I think I love you even more for your craziness.

I smile tenderly and he hugs me back to the music.

"And God help me..."

An Unexpected EngagementOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant