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Gwi-nam was thrown off the roof. Cheongsan looked at his bite mark from the boy.

"Cheongsan.." I said.

"It's over." He said, "for me. And that's okay." He gave us a smile even though he was hurting.

"No. You'll turn into what Namra is." On-jo went up to him.

I got feel myself starting to get emotional. I wiped the tear from my eye. Why did it have to be like this?

Joon-yeong took my hand and held it.

I looked over at On-jo and Cheongsan, they shared a kiss.

When they pulled away from each other from each other, Cheongsan spoke. "I'll distract the zombies and bring them up to the top floor. You guys run, okay?"

"Cheongsan-" On-jo was crying.

"I love you."

And with that Cheongsan ran. We could hear him yelling.

We started to run. I noticed that Sanghoon was sitting down.

"Go. I'll catch up." Joon-yeong was hesitant, but nodded anyway.

"Sanghoon.. what are you doing?" I asked him.

"There's no point in me going." He said.

"Why?" I was taken aback.

"Well we are all just gonna die, you're no longer single anymore..."

Wait.. was he upset that I was with Joon-yeong?

"Sanghoon.. I didn't know you were upset over that. I know you liked me, but I told you I liked him for a long time."

"Whats so good about him?" He stood up and looked down on me, "seriously. Is he better at science or something."

Why was he making this such a big problem?

"You know what? Yeah. I would rather go now and stay alive than stay here and die with you. If you wanna come along then be my guest." I glared at him before I ran out and down the stairs.

I saw Joon-yeong and ran a little faster.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yes." I said. Even though there was something wrong I would rather tell him later.

"You sure?"

"I'll tell you after." I responded.


We were near a forest area. It was quiet which was weird for some reason.

"Let's take a break for a while." Suhyeok said and we nodded.

Joon-yeong pulled me to the side for a minute. "What was wrong back there?"

I was thinking about making up an excuse hut I didn't want to lie to him.

"It's Sanghoon.." I started, "he's upset with me or something."

He looked puzzled. "Why is he upset with you?"

I looked down at the ground for a moment. "Because you and me are together." I mumbled.

He scoffed. "Don't let his words get to you, okay?"

I nodded and looked at him. He was looking back at me.

I wanted to tell him I loved him but it was too early. At least I think.

"I...." I stopped. "I'm really happy we're together. I was really worried when we went separate ways that we wouldn't be this close."

"I would've asked you somehow before we graduated." He said, "I would ask you in every life to be with me."

I got shy for some reason. I was never really spoken to like this. It made me happy. "Me too." I smiled.

"They're about to blow the place up.' Namra said.


"Get down!" She suddenly said.

We all dropped to the ground. Joon-yeong covered me for extra protection.


My ears rang after the explosion. I tried opening my eyes but they were met with dust.

"Watch out!" Someone called out to Dae-su who moved out of the way. He almost got hit with an object.


It sounded like there was nothing hitting the ground anymore. Joon-yeong slowly got up and pulled me up with him.

"You okay?" He checked my face for any scratches.

I nodded.

"Let's go." Mi-jin said.

That's when we started to walk.

It was strange without Cheongsan with us. He was like a leader to us.

To be continued.

A/N - we hit #1 in the Joon-yeong category 🥰 thank you guys so much!

this chapter was a little bit short since it was a filler! I will update again tonight since this was so short!

lmk what you thought! who's your favorite character(s) in this story? who needs more lines!

- b 2/23/22

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