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scooting himself to get the fire hose.

"Hey, Ha-joon. Are you okay?" I asked suddenly.

"Yeah, you?" She returned the question back.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Ha-joon, could you help me hold this?" Woo-jin asked and she nodded.

"Gotta go." She smiled and went to go hold the table against the zombies with Woo-jin.

I believed that Woo-jin had a little crush on Ha-joon, but I never asked him because that would be weird.

I scanned around the room for someone. When I saw him I went over.

I sat down beside him. "Hey Joon-yeong." I said.

"Hey." His voice was quiet. He was obviously upset by the recent events and I mean, so we're we.

"You good?" I asked him casually.

"I am, yeah. Are you?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Always am." I smiled at him, hoping that talking to him would boost his mood up a bit.

"Good." He smiled.

"So-" I was gonna say something but Cheongsan stepped in the room.

"I got it!" He exclaimed.

"Huh?" Joon-yeong turned to me.

"Nothing." I smiled and got up.

"We should tie this in knots, enough for a foot to fit inside."

Me, Cheongsan, Gyeong-su, and Jimin helped tie it.

"Big enough for a foot?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah." Cheongsan confirmed.

"Tie it in zig-zags!" Joon-yeong yelled over the zombies as he was holding the door.

When we finished tying the knots, Cheongsan threw the rope over the side until it couldn't reach anymore.

Some of us gathered by the window.

"I'll go first." Cheongsang volunteered and we nodded.

"Okay, be safe." Gyeong-su told him.

I saw the Cheongsan was looking On-jo, so he changed his mind.

"Gyeong-su, you should go." He suggested.

"Huh? Why?" He was confused.

"Just do it." Wu-jin said.

They were arguing over who was gonna go first and eventually Gyeong-su went.

I was back with Ha-joon and Joon-yeong holding the table upright.

"Guys! Ms Park is down here!" He called up.

"Let's go." Joon-yeong took my hand and I took Ha-joons.

"You guys go first." I pushed them towards the window and they went.

Nam-ra then went down which left me, Cheongsan and On-jo.

Cheongsan took On-jo by the hand but she refused.

"We have to go, On-jo." He told her.

"I have no one left. No one I like at least." She replied coldly.


"Okay, but you have people who care for you." He said.

Cheongsan soon enough persuaded her to go down.

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