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This all felt unreal. Cheongsan was gone. So was everyone else.

Hwang Ha-joon
Han Gyeong-su
Lee Cheongsan

My parents? I don't know.

"Ah-lam." Joon-yeongs calming voice snapped me back to reality.

I looked up at him. My eyes were glossy from the tears. "Yeah?" My voice broke.

He crouched down and held my face. "It's okay now." He said, "Namra says they're gonna save us."

I nodded and got up with him.

We walked for a while. My body was in so much pain and there was dirt and grime everywhere on me.

We were on the road now. Joon-yeongs hand was linked with mine. I was so lucky to have him.

"Wait. The zombies... they're here." Namra said. "One two.... twelve? Too many."

We didn't have time to respond because the zombies came out of nowhere.

Luckily we were next to some small outdoor shops. Most likely small businesses.

I grabbed a shovel and started to fight back. You were supposed to him them in the neck/head area, so that's what I did.

I saw Dae-su go down because of a zombie. "Dae-su!" I cried and ran over to him.

I tried pulling back the zombie. It was too strong at first, but Suhyeok helped me.

I looked over to see Joon-yeong getting knocked down with a zombie. "Joon-yeong!" I ran over and pulled the zombie off. Namra finished it off by stabbing it with the shovel.

"Are you- are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm okay. Thank you for saving me." He said.

There was suddenly a scream which made us turn around.

Wujin was bitten by a zombie. He was in Ha-ris arms bleeding out.

"Please continue archery." He said, "I love you."

"Wujin, look at me." Tears were streaming down her face.

He was out for a second before he started twitching. Mi-jin grabbed Wujin and threw him off.

He got up and was running at Ha-ri. Namra suddenly grabbed the boy we once knew and snapped his neck.


We started walking to the train tracks. There wasn't long left. I was so happy we were gonna be safe since it didn't work out the last time.

"Ah-lam." Joon-yeong said.


He was silent for a moment. "I'm really sorry about Ha-joon." He said, "My idea was stupid and if we never did it she still would've been here."

He sounded guilty which broke my heart. It wasn't his fault that she died. It wasn't anyone's fault except for the zombies.

"Joon-yeong, it wasn't your fault. I never thought and never will think it's your fault." My voice sounded calm, "if we did the crawling idea we probably would've all just died."

He nodded. "I'm just.. I don't know I feel bad." A tear fell down hid cheek.

"You know I love you right?" I stopped my sentence after realizing what I said. "Wait, I- that was too soon." I was embarrassed.

He smiled. "It's not too early. I love you too, more than anything."

I wanted to kiss him, cry, my emotions were everywhere.

pieces of you | all of us are deadKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat