"I don't care. The guy's probably homeless and will die anyway," Jackson added.

"Nice to know you still lack any basic empathy for other people, Jackass," Jade said to him. He sent her a mock smile, to which she made an obscene gesture in return.

"Actually, I just found out who got attacked. Check it out," Stiles remarked. He turned his phone and they all craned their necks to see the news report. The guy named Garrison Meyers was sent to the hospital and was currently in critical condition. Sitting back in her seat, the name didn't ring any bells.

"I know this guy," Scott exclaimed.

"How?" Jade queried.

"He was the bus driver back when I took the bus to my dad's," he replied. The four teenagers who knew about the situation share a worried glance.

"Okay can we talk about something a bit more fun?" Lydia asked, breaking the silence and sitting up in her chair. "Like where are we going tomorrow night?"

"Uh, we were still thinking of what we were gonna do," Allison said, putting her water down.

"Well if we're going out, we are doing something  fun! Jade?" she asked, catching the blondes attention. "Are you coming with us?" Lydia questioned, looking down the table at her.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you. I think I'll pass," Jade replied.

"Why!" Lydia exclaimed. The look on the girls face was enough to nearly make Jade tread back on her words. Standing her ground, especially to her friends, was hard. "Not feeling too well, that's all. Next time though, I promise," she said, putting her hand over her heart as if she was taking an oath.

"I'll hold you to that," Lydia said, grinning slightly at the girl. "What about you two?" she asked, turning on Max and Stiles.

"We'll pass, thanks," Stiles responded, Max nodding along vaguely.

Scott looked at Allison in panic, eyes wide. He must have forgotten Lydia and Jackson were meant to be going as well. "The four of us?"

"I mean, it could be fun," Allison replied, trying to send him a reassuring smile.

"You wanna know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the eye with this fork," Jackson said, waving around said fork. Lydia snatched his arm away, sending him a short lived glare.

Max made a snort like noise and covered his mouth, which resulted to him choking on his drink. Stiles hit him on the back, scolding him for laughing, muttering something along the lines of 'I know that was funny but can you shut up?'

"How about bowling? You love to bowl!" Lydia said to her boyfriend, letting a hand rest on his bicep.

"Yeah. With real competition,"

"We are real competition," Allison replied, offended. She was an amazing bowler. Scott on the other hand, she wasn't so sure about. "You can bowl right?"

"Well, McCall?" Jackson asked, the level of arrogance in his tone matching the expression on his face.

"Yeah. In fact I'm a great bowler," he sat forward in his chair to mimic Jackson's actions, trying to show he wasn't afraid.

The twins and Stiles shared a glance with each other. Scott was in fact not a good bowler. He'd once nearly broken Max's hand by jokingly going to throw the bowling ball at him, and accidentally letting go. You could say that the four hours in the hospital waiting room would be proof of that.


"Then comes that phrase."

"Hang out!" Scott replied, groaning.

"I don't think Danny likes me that much," Stiles observed, turning his shoulder to move past the students in the corridor.

"I nearly killed a guy," Scott replied.

Max was watching the two having a mid life crisis while he was trying to keep up with two separate conversations. In his defence, he could understand why Danny didn't like Stiles that much. If every time you were talking to someone and they mentioned your sexuality, or started to ask you prying questions about it, you'd start to get a bit annoyed, too.

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles asked, mildly offended. Max rolled his eyes slightly, his friend after literally proving his point.

"And now.. now I'm gonna be late for work," Scott exclaimed, checking his watch and running out the door, leaving the other two stood in the busy corridor.

"Wait.. Scott! You didn't answer my question! Am I attractive to gay guys?" Stiles screamed after him, but by now he was probably already off school grounds.

"Will you shut up!" Max hissed, grabbing him by his collar and dragging him away from the exit, down to the other length of the school.

"Wait. Max," he asked, putting emphasis on his name.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he let go of the material, turning around. "What do you want?" he questioned sceptically.

"Well. Don't take this the wrong way okay. But do you know the way you're gay?" Stiles said, rambling on before Max could even tell him to stop. "You can answer my question! Am I attractive to gay guys?" he asked, stopping and looking at the boy for an answer.

Feeling his face flush, Max continued to walk. He decided now was probably an okay time to throw Danny under the bus. He'd understand. "Ask Danny."

"So I am attractive to gay guys!" he exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air in triumph and chasing after his friend.

"I never said that!"

"No but you didn't have to!"


Kind of a filler chapter again, I apologise.

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