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She promised.

Mrs. Cameron's worst fear had came true. Her very own precious daughter attempted the thing that scared her the very most and she doesn't know how to handle it. So, that the woman refused to see her daughter. She was there, in the Clearwater house keeping her distance, but she couldn't bare to be in the same room because the only things that came to her were her worst memories. The ones of her grandmother.

"You're Paul?" Mrs. Cameron asked the following night, starring at the young male who not once moved from the couch unless he went to the restroom. Like her, he had been waiting around to hear news about the girl. As of right now, nobody had been able to speak and or see her by her request.

"Yes, ma'am." He nodded.

"Thank you." She sent him a smile. "For being here for her. I know deep down she really appreciates you being here."

"She knows I'm here?" Paul frowned.

"No." The mother shook her head, clearly lying. She was sure the girl had heard him speaking at some point. "You should go home and get some sleep."

"No, I'm okay." Paul shook his head this time, frowning at the thought of leaving the girl. He doesn't know why he cares but he does. For some reason he would find himself just always thinking about her and her pretty face. But then he would grow worried because that wasn't the only thing he noticed. She has her issues. He knows she panics easily. Maybe that's why his sister was always trying to comfort her.

"Paul, I know my daughter. Nothing is going to change. Go home. Sleep, eat, go see your friends."

"Yeah, maybe your right." Paul didn't want to argue besides she was right. He doesn't even know why he is there. They weren't even friends, really. She's his sisters best friend, that's it. "I'll see you in the morning. Have a good night."

"Goodnight, Paul." The older woman sent him a smile.

The entire time, Raelyn frowned. Having listened to the conversation between Paul and her mother is what bothered her the most. Although, normally he wouldn't have done it, it was the only thing to do in that moment. There was no tv and she already finished the book that had been sitting on the nightstand. A stupid as it seems, she was jealous at how easy it was for her mother to just speak to anyone. Just listening to them talk made her want to cry at her patheticness.

She couldn't help it, every single moment of everyday, she was always worried about what others thought of her. Even her own mother. Which is why she refused to see her or anyone. She wasn't ready for it. She doesn't want to see the look of disappointment.

By the time the sun came up the following morning,  Raelyn had finally fallen asleep after hours of crying and hating herself. Which was a few minutes before Paul had shown up. Mrs. Clearwater had let him in, offering him coffee but he wasn't interested. He just wanted news, but no one had any.

"Well, I'm going to get in the shower, help yourself to any of the muffins. Breakfast is on the stove. Hopefully I'm out by the time the others show up."

Simply nodding, Paul waited for the shower to turn on before he made his way over to the room Raelyn had been staying in.

He wasn't surprised to find her asleep, but he was surprised to see that she was in a very cold room. The window a/c was on it's lowest and the crazy part was that she refused to use any covers. He quickly realized why.

After pulling the chair closer towards the twin bed, and he took the girls hand in his, he realized she was burning up.

"What are you doing?"

Jumping out of his seat. Paul quickly realized it was his sister who had walked in and not the girl waking up and catching him in the act. Which he was grateful for, but then again, he would rather it be her because now his sister would never let him hear the end of it. "Paul, what are you doing in here?" She asked again.

Although Raelyn was mad about being woken up, she silently kept her eyes closed. After hearing the loud screeching of the chair, there was no way should would be able to go back to sleep and under normal circumstances she would have gotten mad because she wanted to be alone more than anything, but his scent was lingering strongly in the room and she hadn't realize that is what she needed.

"I just-" Paul couldn't find the word to reply. "I just- I wanted to see her."

"Why? You don't even like her." Piper frowned in order to hide her knowing smirk she knew her brothers feelings were evolving. Not to mention, she also heard the difference in her friends breathing and realized she had woken up. She was going to bring them together.

"No. I don't. I just- for a while now I've just felt this -connection? No, that's not the word, but it's close. Pipes, i can't explain it."

"Well, then try."

Paul took a big breath and watched the sleeping girl. "I just-I had to see her. Not being able to see her, or be near-I feel incomplete. Honestly. I know It sounds crazy and none of it makes sense, but I can't get her out of my head. I am infatuated, and I'm afraid."

"Of what?"

"That she won't like me. The real me. I feel like she knows asshole me."

"I think you're wrong." Piper admitted. I think that she likes you as much as like her. Maybe more."


"Oh." Piper smiled. "You think?"

"I know." He nodded. "I may not not her too well, but I'm going to marry her. I know we're going meant to be together. Regardless of the imprint."

Immediately, Raelyn's eyes snapped open at the mention of the word.

Divine- Paul LahoteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant