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Because Raelyn is very impatient and pessimistic, it led for her to not return to school immediately when she first shifted.

In fact, it took her over 4 weeks to finally get it. Because she is very impatient, there's been times where she can shape shift into her wolf form, and times she can't, or times she can't change back into her human form all because of her frustration. Because she is pessimistic, she often freaks her self out by worrying to much, which is why she had spent the past few weeks staying away from her family in case she accidentally phased in front of them or worst, lashes out and hurt someone.

With the big approval of Leah, today was her big return to the tribal school. She was okay, not nervous, not scared, not worried, just okay. So far she's attempted to ignore the whispered rumors that she could hear about her and her friend, but she trying not to let it get to her. Crying in public was the last thing she wants. Crying in front of him was especially the last thing she needs in the world.

There's now a sadden expression on Raelyn, as she looks around noticing people starring or quickly looking away. It was never like this. She wasn't necessarily popular, but because it was a small school with no more than seven seniors, and a gran total of fifty kids from the ages of four to eighteen. So..she kind of was, but really it was because she was the nicest person and now she had everyone looking at her as if she's the bad guy.

"Hey." Piper Lahote uses her hand to turn the girls face towards her. "Don't let them get to you. They don't know a thing." Raelyn nodded looking down the hall and making eye contact with eyes that she dreamed of many times; but once again Piper forced the girl to look over at her, breaking eye contact with him. "Rae, look at me. Let them think the worst because at least our secret is safe. You got me?" The girl asked in all seriousness with hard eyes bringing her arm up.

"Yeah." The girl finally agrees and also lifts her arm up to conect it with her friends tightly and for a while. For this had become the packs thing. They're way of promising.

"Come on, lets go before we're late for class." Piper pulled her in the direction of class, wrapping an arm around Raelyn's neck giving her a good ole Dutch rub. Causing The girl to push her friend away with laughter.

As the two girl made their way to class, Paul just stood there taking in the events that just happened. His sister speaking to Raelyn as if she was a kid who needed guidance. His sister, laughing. His sister is laughing. It had been months since he's seen her laugh. Since he even got to spend time with her. In fact they barely speak and when they do it's because the two are arguing...well, it's Paul yelling at his sister. Or like a few days before. When she asked for basil.

As much as he hates to admit it, he knows he could be wrong about Raelyn not being good enough for his sister, but with everything things she does he's not giving up. Until proven innocent he will dislike the girl, but there was no way he was going to allow that to happen.

Walking into the classroom, Raelyn was as calm as ever. Well, she was trying to ignore the stares from the few classmates they have. There were only ever two tables with a grand total of seven seniors. Before Raeyln's life changed, she sat at the table closest to the teachers desk, at the head of the table. But walking in today, the girl found that her seat was taken.

"I c-can move." The female sitting there lightly spoke, scarred out of her mind when she saw the girl making her way towards the table.

"It's okay. I'll find another seat." Raelyn walked away and headed towards the second table away from her friend.  As she sat down, all she could do was look down at her shoes as she bounced her foot impatiently and frustratedly. She had heard the kids sigh when she sat down next to them. She heard them all scoot a few inches away when she sat down and she hated it. She hates that they assume the worst and she couldn't help but let it get to her. She began to breathe heavily, her hands turning white from where she gripped the edge of the chair, her eyes shut tight, her body moving up and down at a rapid pace.

"Move." Was all that was heard along with scrapping of a chair. "Hey, hey, hey." Piper held the the girl buy her head, which had been resting in the girl arms. "Don't over think this Rae." She kept whispering, doing her pest to soothe her.

"It's what I do best. you know that." The girl replied. Looking up, Piper found that the one kid on Raeylns right was minding his business, while next to him was her brother was starring away at the entire situation. "Come on. Listen to my voice, listen to my heart. Try to match mine. Stay calm." She whispered to the girl never taking her eyes off of her brother. More than anything she wanted to yell for him to mind his business, but she was worried that the distraction would distract Raelyn.

It took a few minutes, but the teenager managed to finally calm down. And when she did get the courage to sit up, she just sat there as the teacher went on with the science lesson. She just sat there. Doing her work, but she held no expression, her eyes half closed, in slits. If anything, she could pass for angry. What didn't help was the fact that Paul was sitting at her table and the only thing separating them was the tensed kid between them. The entire time, Paul couldn't take his eyes off the girl. He couldn't help it, but every time she'd turn and catch him he'd instantly glare, not letting her forget that he dislikes her. Sadly, it was an all day thing because the only time they ever got to leave the class was for restroom breaks, and lunch.

By  the time school ended and the two teenagers returned to the Clearwater residence to meet with the Council, where they also informed their Alpha on the events that happened. Raelyn stating that she wasn't ready, that she shouldn't go back, while Leah starred off out the window with her arms crossed. Thinking. Which is something she always does now.

"Rae, today was a good day for you." The Alpha finally spoke up.

"How? I almost lost control and I would have if Pipes wasn't there." She stated looking over at the three council members, Bonnie Black, Holly Clearwater and Ms.Quil III, trying to get them to agree.

"Almost." Leah turned around, to stare at her beta who had been sitting at the breakfast table since the moment they arrived. "You almost lost control, but you didn't and you should give yourself credit for that. Raelyn, you doubt yourself too much, I'm sure if you didn't you wouldn't be having all this trouble."

"I know. I'm sorry-Sorry for saying sorry." The girl quickly added remembering how much Leah hates it coming for her, because frankly, Raelyn apologizes for anything and everything she thinks, says wrong and after a while it grew annoying.

"You're still learning." Leah patted the girls shoulder. "Anyway, Bonnie has news that...I think you two might enjoy." Leah smiled faintly before she took the seat in front of the girls.

"Earlier today, I received a call, from Dr. Cullen."

"What did that leech want?" Piper was quick to frown angrily.

"The Cullens left town today." Bonnie replied causing Piper to stand up and begin shouting while hugging - well, more like shaking Raelyn who was really amused but still curious.

"Why?" She had asked.

"Does it really matter?" Piper asked. "Who cares."

"He said people were beginning to notice them not aging. That they had stayed longer than they intended."

"And what of Bella Swan?"

"They're leaving her behind."  Responded Ms. Quil receiving a worried look from the girl. "For a third in command you're asking the right questions. Why isn't she second?" The elder asked.

From that moment Raelyn blocked out the rest of the conversation because she didn't want to feel guilty after looking at the expression on Pipers face. She could never take her position, not that she wanted to because that seemed like a whole lot of pressure, and frankly she didn't ask to be third. The only reason she asked all the questions was because she worries too much and she wants to be extra careful. Now the biggest thing on her mind was the possibility of Bella Swan telling someone about Cullens and what they are, but stupidly she shouldn't even be worried about that. She should be worried about their secret. Which sadly, is an even more reason to make her second in command.

"Can we have a bonfire? Celebrate the Cullens departure?"

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