Chapter 3

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The car stops in the driveway of a big house, it's dark blue, and there are some lights on inside.

"We're here."

William takes off his seatbelt, opens the car door, stepping out.

I unbuckle my seatbelt, The little boy-- Chris does the same, and we both step out.

William opens the door to the house, there are a few framed pictures on the wall, and the staircase is to the right, next to a door, I'm assuming it leads to the garage.

"Dad! Michael is being mean again!" A little girl whines while running down the stairs.

'Michael is a pretty common name, I doubt that--'

"I am not!" He rushes downstairs, Immediately stopping when he sees me.


I start searching for an excuse to leave inside my head, but William speaks up before I think of anything.

"Michael, go set the table."

He looks like he wants to say something, but he storms off into the kitchen.

'This is going to be awkward.'

I remember how Chris's knee was bleeding, and look over at him.

"Why don't we get your knee fixed up." I smile at him, once again getting on his level.

He grows a small smile and nods.

"Okay, where are your bandaids?"

He leads me upstairs.

I dial my parent's phone number, almost praying they don't answer.

"(L/N) Residence." Sam answers.


"Hey, Mom, It's me, a friend's parent invited me to have dinner with them, Is that okay?"

'Please say no, please say no, please say n-'

"Yeah, of course, sweetie! I'm glad that you're making friends finally."


"Okay, thank you, Mom, Love you."

"Wait, tell me about your friend~"


"Okay, okay, fine, I love you too, and be safe!"

She hangs up, leaving me dumbfounded.

I'm sitting across from Michael, making it even more awkward, which I didn't know was possible.

I sheepishly picked at my food, taking small bites.

William clears his throat, causing both me and Michael to turn our heads toward him.

"I hope the food is okay."

"Oh, yeah, it's... good."

I wasn't lying about that, it's just...

"Okay, just making sure since you're not really eating much."

I decide not to reply.

Uncomfortable silence lingers for what feels like hours, before everyone finished their food, except me.

Michael randomly speaks up.

"May I be excused?"

William nods, causing Michael to immediately walk off.

I start feeling more comfortable, I start to actually eat my food.

A few more minutes of silence.

"Do you two know each other?" William asks.


"You and Michael?"

"Basically, we're in the same class.

William hums, before picking up everyone's plates.

"May I?"

I nod, and he takes my plate.

I approach the door, before stopping.

"Thank you again, William."

"You're welcome."

I start to turn the doorknob.


I stop and turn towards William.

"Do you need a ride home? It's getting pretty late."

"Sure, thank you."

We walk back out to the car again, the night ambiance is calming.

The car ride is pretty silent, but William decides to speak up.

"You know, Chris's birthday is in a few days, he might enjoy it if you're there."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, the kid loves you already, I can tell." Willam smiles.

"Okay then, sure." I smile back.

(Updated: 6/23/2022)
I thought I should do something until the next chapter is out. :]

A/N: Sorry for taking 3 days for this chapter just for it to be so short! I've been thinking of posting every Saturday and Sunday, I want to hear other people's opinions before I decide on doing that!

Until the next chapter, Bye and Have a Good Day/Night!

(Updated again on 12/9/2022)

(Completely Rewritten 3/7/2023)

(Added a small warning 3/7/2024? Wow, same day)

June 6th, 2023:

...You know the drill...!


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Old Word Count: 178

New Word Count: 548

(QUICK WARNING: Almost every chapter after this hasn't been rewritten yet, which may cause a lot of confusion since this chapter and the last one were completely different, which has caused William to introduce himself to (Y/N) twice. And, also, Michael and (Y/N) are just suddenly fine with each other... I should've written this when I first rewrote the chapter, but it completely flew over my head.  I promise, I will write more soon, I just have been extremely distracted and whenever I've tried to take up rewriting (or writing part 2) again, I got distracted by other things 😭😭)

|| Chapter 3 End ||

Michael Afton x Male Reader Part 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now